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New here....i dont know what to do, it hurts soooooooo bad

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ive never really seeked out advice before but here it goes.


i do everything i can for my girlfriend. weve been together for about 6 months an di see here on a daily basis and hate not seeing here every second of the day. i tell her how strongly i feel about here and about a week ago i told her that i was in love wiht her, and she said she thought she was in love with me too..........


a couple times in the past week shes blown off plans with me to go do something with either a firend or go to a concert with some friends or something. i made kind of a big deal about it, especially since it kept happeneing, and she got mad at me, then last night she broke up with me and said it was because i should be able to deal with her breaking plans with me. it absolutly killed me and i did something ive never done before, i sobbed like a blubbering idiot. i told her how deeply in love wiht her i was and how she was my angel. then she told me she didnt want to break up........what the hell??????


i get jelous really quickly, which might be why it hurts so bad, but i really cant stand when someone makes plans wiht me and breaks them for anyhting short of a once in a lifetime opportunity or an emergency or something.



sorry for all the babbling, but i love her so much and i dont know what i would do without her being in my life. anyone have anyhting to say??


thank you in advance

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Hi burtonfolife,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for advice. I hope that the members of this board can be of help to you.


I would like to explain you that I completely agree with you. Your girlfriend is NOT right about breaking plans with you ALL THE TIME for doing something else with friends or so. That is PLAIN disrespectful. I can see things happen just once or twice or so, because of miscommunication, but not all the time. I can tell you that I have been put in a similar situation and that's why *I* broke it up. Of course the young lady was in tears, but even after a second chance things didn't get resolved.


My advice is that you reconsider your needs. It is okay to put your OWN needs right NEXT to your girlfriend's needs. I think you need to be sure about a few things in a relationship. One of them is that the partner sticks to plans made with you.


I hope that this helps you in deciding where to go from here and what to do next. I wish you good luck with it.


~ SwingFox ~

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thanks a lot for the response.........the problem is that i dont think i would get over this one. i realize that eventually i would have to and move on and perhaps find someone, but i honestly feel like we were meant for noone but each other and i will do anything for our love to stay.


but i do understand more now that if does not stop i will have to reaccess. i cant deal with this type of pain all the time. even though she says otherwise.......when she does it, it really feels like she doesnt love me. and if she really did love me...wouldnt she do absolutly anything in the world to stay with me? i would for her.

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