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The effects of a broken heart

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I thought I was doing ok until I sat down today and looked at myself. I have no desire for eating lately... but I have been eating like crazy because it calms me down in a sense. And not good food... I've been eating like chocolate and horrible junk all day and night. I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks. The past few days, I've been crying every day. And I think after yesterday's phone call.. it's finally starting to sink in that he is with another girl. Before, I was hurt but I don't think I grasped it. Now, I have this awful pain inside of me.. that lasts all day, and all I do is think about them and cry.


Why is it that someone who breaks your heart, and destroys another relationship in the process with NO regard whatsoever, gets the luxury of being happy and "moved on".. while I'm here alone and broken.


I've tried to look at things positively. I know I will move on from this, but I still feel horrible. I have been trying to get out and stuff, but when I do, I just get so sad and think about them constantly. I can't believe this is happening. Life is so cruel.

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Yeah, you're right. Life is cruel, unjust, unfair and so wicked. I don't know the circumstances of your relationship, but I do know that time heals wounds and that eventually things can get better for you if you allow it to happen. I'm going to shoot it to you straight, it's going to hurt, you're going to feel that pain, feel alone, feel restless at times. But just remember that you're in healing and that the destination from here is to go, "UP".


Also remember that this is the recovery phase for you, take as much time as you need to grieve and get back on your feet. A lot of times, people cheat themselves out of recovering from a breakup by getting into rebound-relationships or ignoring their true feelings; masking it behind meaningless sex or either refusing to accept reality. It's going to be rough: Cry if you need to, write, talk to friends who can relate and understand, whatever you have to do. Regardless if it was your fault or not, it no longer matters. The only thing that matters is that you move forward from here.

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I just feel the same, all of my past relationships ended in a horrible way and somehow I'm then one suffering for a long time while my ex's get to be happy with someone new.

You are better off fully ignoring him, it will just be worse if you see how happy he is... shut down your curiosity, it's better for you.


And getting out is definitly the best thing to move on, try to force yourself to go back to the gym. I always feel better when I train until my whole body hurts like * * * * lol

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Me too. It sucks especially round christmas. You seem to be doing all the right things though apart from your worry about eating. What else do you find comforts you? Someone who can move on so quickly definitely doesnt deserve you! I wish i could say something that takes it all away but only you can in the end. I hope you feel better soon =[

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I felt the same way you did, and in a way I still do.


Usually when I think about my ex of 5.5 years, all I think about is her with her new b/f and them having sex together. Its a sickening feeling because we were each others firsts, and she told me straight out that she "loves" him (after 2 days of dating him), and said she was probably going to give herself to him....great person huh? It sucks that the "specialness" that we both shared is now gone forever.


All I can say is that karma IS a * * * * * ...they may be happy now, but they WILL have the tables turned one day, and when they realize what they gave up, all they will see is that we are happy and hopefully in a relationship where we are actually wanted.


Just stay strong, and remember that we are all here for each other.

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I know I will get back on track with my eating & working out soon, I just need to find some energy. I'm a wrestler, so going to the gym and eating right NEVER used to be an issue until this. Now I just emotionally eat and can't stop. It's been like this for about 2 weeks now *sigh*


I've also read some people that say they are ok during the day, but it hits them at night. For me... it hits me all day. I'm never ok. I may be ok enough not to cry, but he's always on my mind and I'm always in pain. I know it'll pass... it's just so hard

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I know I will get back on track with my eating & working out soon, I just need to find some energy. I'm a wrestler, so going to the gym and eating right NEVER used to be an issue until this. Now I just emotionally eat and can't stop. It's been like this for about 2 weeks now *sigh*


I've also read some people that say they are ok during the day, but it hits them at night. For me... it hits me all day. I'm never ok. I may be ok enough not to cry, but he's always on my mind and I'm always in pain. I know it'll pass... it's just so hard


I guess on that note I fail to understand exactly how you feel. It's been about 1.5 years since I've been in a stable relationship. So I've gotten used to spending a lot of holidays with just my family. That's really all I need right now to be honest.

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I promise that it will get better with time...Definatly take the advice of not being curious though, it is the best advice you could have right now. The last thing you want is to look at it in the face, just try to forget all of the ideas you have now and don't make room for any fresh pain. I know how you feel about the taking care of yourself thing, though I can't eat at all I also can't get myself to go to the gym, but once we get back into that it will be unreal how much better we feel


Stay strong.

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