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OK hear is the story. I dated a girl for almost 4 years she was the only one for me then she moved to Germany and well you know how those so called "long distance relationship" to make a long story short i never heard from her agin. So this asking out girls is sortta hard. cuse i have been single for over a year


In my last class of the day their is this girl tha sits a couple desks over I talk to her a little every now and then i help her with her work sometimes and we share a lot of interests. I dont like to jump right into a relationships like a lot of other pepole at my school it seems like they go through like 5 a week . i like them to last u know. anyway the only draw backs are i dont know if she has a B/F or is she feels the same way about me. one thing i notice about her is that she is not really interested in me. should i just talk to her more and get to know her more before i do anything else.




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Yeah man, just try to hang around her in class, but don't make it too apparent you like her. You just basically need to talk to her and have fun man. Like someone said before, definitely don't expect her to like you, and actually keep in mind she might have a boyfriend. But one good thing of hope to think about, think about this, like you said, everyone has 5 relationships a week. So basically hang around her, and then when she seems interested, talk to her about it.

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