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I don't think we see nearly enough of these threads so thought I would post the progress I have made to give hope to others that are going through a similar situation.


Just a bit of background. Me and my ex broke up 2 months ago, I dumped her but felt like the dumpee as she was very neglectful and the relationship had become very unhealthy. At this time I was a complete mess (Almost suicidal) as I had also been diagnosed with clinical depression. I wasn't able to go more than half a day NC and I really didn't think I would get through any of it.


Now 2 months later and I am a few weeks into NC. I still think about her a bit but I don't feel anything when I do (No sadness, no happiness). I have been laughing and have been happy for the first time in a while the last few days. I gone on a diet and started working out, I have given up alcohol and any other depressants, I have started doing things again that I used to enjoy as well as taking up a few new hobbies and I have caught up with old friends.


I have really come to realize what NC means. Its actually an opportunity to concentrate on yourself, improve yourself and make yourself happier. Its ok to feel down for a while but get out there and do things and you will find yourself getting better a lot quicker.


I hope this can give some of those struggling right now some hope that things do get better and use this time as "me" time as you are number one.

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Congratulations bish0p2004 glad things are looking up for you Hope the interview goes well.


Maybe we could make this into a thread where people post a little background to their breakup and the progress and successes they have made so far to give those who are currently going through it some hope that there really is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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OK, I will be the next one then.


3 months since the break-up of a 7-year relationship. About a month and a half of NC. Last time he called to see whether I am OK. I know he is in a LDR with someone else. I can feel that he is moving on and this makes me extremely sad and jealous.


I am still trying to let go. I know he doesn't deserve me. I gave everything for this person and he never appreciated anything we had or what I did. I had a period of about 10 days, during which I felt amazing! The pain had almost let me go. I had forgotten what is life without pain (I have been suffering for more than one year because he wanted to break up but always came back). Of course, the pain came back. I was not surprised at all. I still love him from the bottom of my heart and hate him equally for all the pain and cruelness he has given me. I will know I am healed when I stop caring about what he is doing and when what he did doesn't hurt me so much anymore. I know it won't be soon but I am going to keep waiting for the good days.

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