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should I feel bad


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Hello, I recently received my layoff papers (terminating my job title) but was given the opertunity to apply for other available positions inside the company I currently work for.


I have a family member who has a friend that works at my co. They had an opening and said I should apply for it. I did, and went through the interview process.


Since I was going to be layd off in a few weeks I was getting nervoius and applied for other positions inside my co.


I then received a really go opertunity inside my co. but Its not the one that my family members friend had open. The friend now stated they want to hire me for their position.


How do I inform that person I accepted another position inside my co. and do not want to hurt my family members friends feelings. I think they were trying to pull some strings to get me on their team so I wouldnt end up unemployed.


Any advice would help.


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