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please help me out here, girl's opinions welcomed

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hi, i made a post about this but one person reponded so im trying again because i need some more people's opinions on this. I'm a 9th grader and there is this 10th grade girl that i really like. I have the same lunch as her and i sit with her at lunch and some of her friends and come of my friends and its all good. I talk to her on the instant messenger everyday and we seem to hit it off pretty well. She kinda flirts with me a little and i flirt back fore example, she'll be like put _____ (my name) LOVES ______ (her name) on the instant messenger profile, so i did lol. wasnt gonna say no. and just kinda little things like that. she is coming to my baseball game next week also. Do you all think i have a shot or is she not in my league. Any opinions or advice here? Girls, i'd love your input on this one, too. thanks for any help.

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i dont see why not im a ninth grader and im trying to get with a senior she does the same thing im like the king of the goths at my school so to speak she just came over to my half of the school one day at lunch and apparently we hit it off because she has come back everyday for a month i wish you luck and hope you have game like me


ps ive only had like three people respond to my post too why do people read our post but offer no oppinion

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