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How many chances?


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I do, I give them plenty of chances because I suck and I don't really know anyone around where I'm living, so this one girl, she says she likes me but she continues stand me up, well....make plans and then break them. She's a single mom with a kid and always saying she was tired, or couldn't get a sitter, or whatever the story is. Sometimes she just fell asleep,..lol


She shows no real interest but to text me throughout the day to pass her boredom I guess. She says I'm funny and what not. Then we will make a plan and she will back out. I won't call/text her for like a day and then she will text me "whats up".........I think to myself "whatever * * * * * " but then I find myself talking to her again so we can make plans and then watch her back out.


I would say this chick backs out like 75% of the time....lol Shes really hot though so in my head I try to spin it this way....this girl is nothing, we are going nowhere, if something better comes along I'll jump on it but for now seeing her once in a while usually results in sex and I would miss the sex if I drop her completely. Plus shes really hot.


So, yeah, I know people will look down on my thinking and 99% of people on here will say they would drop her but I really have a hard time believing that to be true. I'm just being honest.

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Recently I've been dating again and I keep meeting crazies or women who cancel plans on me by chopping out and ignoring me from that point on. Usually after that happens I delete their number and forget about them, do you guys give chances to people who ignore you/stand you up? If so how many?


No, I certainly wouldn't give them chances after that. I think that if you have any kind of self respect, you will not put up with the time-wasters from online dating (for which there seem to be quite a few).

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