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Why the next one must be better

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Because you have lost something you loved and now you know better what love is. You can see it and yourself from a different angle. Because whether a relationship is good or bad, it usually is exclusive - it keeps other people out of your life. Now you can bring the world in and there is no one to be jealous, no one to cry or blame.

Every woman I've ever loved has loved me completely and truly until this last breakup. I had thought that love was a rock. Solid and indestructible and I lay around on it, basking in the sunshine, doing nothing. Now I know that love is a living thing that needs so much attention and care if its going to stay alive.

and that's why the next true love will be better.


Anyone have any reasons of their own?

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i dont think i have any reasons of my own...but your definetly right that you have to work at love..and it needs fuel for it to mature.The only sad thing is , is that people and feelings change and love can die ..sorry to sound negative but im just being realistic ...and this is when i feel that love hurts the most... when even though you may love someone, they carnt love you back..and you ponder to yourself and think were did the love go ..and what did you do what was so wrong for love to slip away from you.Then this for is a time for reflection when you realise the mistakes you have made and were relationships went wrong..and for me this is a time of great learning...and you can only hope that yes the next one must be better.

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I definitely agree with the two of you, its not like we are born with a relationship manual, and unfortunately the people we learn about relationships from are just as flawed as we are. So we have to learn on our own, one painful mistake at a time until we get it right. So yes, if I am unable to get my wife to come back too me. The next girl I am with is going to have one hell of a man on her hands. I have read so many relationship books I have to believe I know a bit more than the last time...


I wish everyone luck in their current and future relationships!! Hope you do the same for me.

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Hi guys,


you're right. Naturally we will be stronger next time around...and not only because we've read all the relationship books available and applied NC rules and worked on ourselves - unfortunately human beings only learn by suffering. In my country we say: what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.


BUT. No matter how strong and great we will be in the next relationship, there still is a chance, because there always is, that the love fades away the novelty wears of, one of the 2 falls out of love. It's not in our hands...it's sad.

I know I'm supposed to be more optimistic and "believe" in love...but all I can feel right now is cynism.



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