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NC.... Because You Need It!

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Rob, when I first showed up here about 5 months ago, after my ex coldly walking out on me, your post really helped me. Many times, in your posts, you could really articulate what I was feeling. Although I think you are few steps ahead of me in the healing process I still can relate to what you have to say. Thanks man...and congrats on the 100 days.

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Just thought I'd post on this thread again. I've just finished drinking a bottle of champagne from a pint glass so this may not make too much sense!!


I miss my ex. I miss a lot about her. I think about her a lot. But its old habits that are dying hard. They are dying, one by one. But as each day passes, I miss her a little bit less, and I realise that we weren't right for each other. We weren't. I look forward to the day when her and I can chuckle over what happened. That day is not far away. I wont sugar coat it, it has been horrible, utterly horrible, but in the end it has been for the best. We weren't right for each other for several reasons. She was/is a wonderful person for several reasons, and I spent 5 fantastic years with her. But ultimately, she isn't/wasn't going to be the one I spent the larger portion of my life with. So what has made me realise this??? You guessed it... NC.


On my last interaction with my ex, it was hurtful for both of us, and I knew it could be the last time we spoke for a very long time. But thats when NC began, I knew at the time it would be hard, but I also knew that it'd be the best in the long run.


So here I am post 100 days NC with the girl I should have married 6 weeks ago. Where am I??? I have a date coming up this Saturday with a girl who has really caught my imagination this past week or two. Even if nothing comes of it, it'll have taken me a step closer away from my ex, which essentially is the ultimate goal!!!


Guys, there are a few of you who have posted on this thread that are really struggling with NC. I feel your pain, I really do. But please, please, please do yourselves a favour. NC will do you no harm whatsoever. It can hurt, yes, but its not going to hurt as much as being in contact with someone who has the ability to systematically tear your life apart every time you interact. Please, please, please, I know just how hard it is. But help the one person who loves you more than anyone. And that is yourself. You have the power to fix this. The power is in your hands, get the hell out of the way, and go NC.


Again, apologies for the post-pint-glass-champagne drivel. I hope it makes as much sense in the morning as it does now!!! hic!!

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Congrats glad to hear your doing better. I'm on day 56 and it feels great to have made it this far. The only reason I remember when we broke up is because it was on the day of my close friends wedding. I'll have my days where I think of him and miss him but it only lasts a few minutes. NC really does work and helps when your trying to move on.

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