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When to answer and when not to?

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Basically dumped, its been more than 3 weeks. We have some issues we need to work one, like compromising and sacrificing, but he is not ready. But he still loves me.


Past week I have been strong and havent picked up the calls right there and then, but i do call back and keep conversations quick and short. I am trying to put my foot down, and show him that i am not going to be a friend. Sunday night got a text, texted him back after 20 min, didnt text back all day or the next day. But I got a call instead at night, but I didnt pick up.


My question is, if this guy loves me and see if I am working on our issues how do i show him i am strong and that he cant run all over me. But i also dont want him to think i want nothing to do with him.


Do I call back? Wait for him to call again (but wat if he thinks ok she doesnt want to talk)?


Any input would be awesome, thanks!!!

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Your slow replies are not seen as strong they're seen as wishy-washy. You may think you're saying "I don't want to talk to you" but each time you reply it says "I hope you take me back".


My question is, if this guy loves me and see if I am working on our issues how do i...


You mentioned needing to compromise and sacrifice but then mention something about him seeing YOU working on the issues. Are you the one who needs to compromise and sacrifice? He's not ready? I would interpret that as he is not ever going to.

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My question is, if this guy loves me and see if I am working on our issues how do i show him i am strong and that he cant run all over me. But i also dont want him to think i want nothing to do with him.


Do I call back? Wait for him to call again (but wat if he thinks ok she doesnt want to talk)?


Any input would be awesome, thanks!!!


Pick up the phone, give the man a call and figure out what's going on in the relationship. Be firm but polite. Find out where his feelings are. Does he want a relationship or not? If he doesn't, you go NC. If he does, you go out to dinner. If he starts jerking your chain, you go NC.


Don't put up with any BS but don't amplify it, either.

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