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mood:happy, kinda bored..


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So, a journal again! I should get the internet soon but for now I am at JAVA JIVE...


I am PREGNANT! Haven't got to the doc yet, going on Tuesday. Prolly won't find out a whole lot yet but excited!


Going to start college in a couple weeks as long as the lady assigned to me says ok. She mentioned before something about signing paper work saying I'm not pregnant so I have to see how that'll fit in...


B. had an interview where my mom works, true manufacturing. I HOPE HE GETS IT! If not he said he's going to take his mom's old job and him working for family with all the company problems they're having makes me nervous.


Not much else to report yet, sure I'll have more input when I'm further along.


Mostly, all I'm wanting right now is a house of our own with no land lord or stupid neighbors that will steal all the change out of our car. (yeah, that happened last night.) And FRIENDS. I can say that here cause no one else gets to read it. I wish I had more friends. I talk to Lucy and David, and am friends with Buffy at work but none of us really hang out that much cause of our/my work schedules. Maybe it'll get better when I'm driving?

I've been practicing so hopefully I can get it soon!


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