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Turns ons(a parallel to a topic posted on turn offs)

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This is a parallel to a topic posted about turn offs about a month ago. Typically, just post your opinions on what you think are turn ons for your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/etc.


Here are mine in no particular order:


Turn ons - girls:


1. Piercings - I guess alot of guys don't like piercings, but I just happen to. My ex girlfriend had 10 piercings total: 3 right ear, 2 left ear, 2 left eye brow, 1 right side of nose, 1 right side of bottom lip, and a belly piercing. Maybe I'm weird, but I just found these added on to her appearance from how great she already looked.


2. Ditz acting - Girls do this alot to attract attention to themselves. Obviously this works because it catches my attention every time. This also sort of plays into having a sense of humor, which I also like. This probably isn't something guys like alot either; I find it quite cute though. Oh yes, a guy used the word cute... you better get used to it.


3. Boundaries - I strongly respect a girl who knows what her boundaries are and how far she's willing to stretch those boundaries and go outside of her comfort zone. I don't always know when to stop pushing something, so I depend on the girl to let me know. I find this helps a lack of communication from starting, as well as future break ups.


4. Sense of style - Rags = NO! It's not that hard to mix and match a good pair of clothes, even if it is just plain looking. I absolutely hate old, tattered, and ripped up clothing (not the kind with a few holes, but the really extreme 5 year old jeans that would rip with the slightest breeze).


5. Athleticism - Let's face it, I can't stand being with a lazy girl. That's one of the most unnatractive traits a girl can have (maybe this goes for guys too? If so I should probably get my act together here). My girl has to be involved in something... soccer, volleyball, track, cheerleading, anything! Anything to keep themselves in shape. Plus, this gives me something to do for them by chearing on the sidelines and showing my feelings for them as well.


6. Relationship over friends - Friends are more important, no doubt. Girls have to be able to tell what time is right to side with their friends or their boyfriends, regardless of the cost. You side with your friends and lose your boyfriend? So what. He wasn't worth your time anyways. You side with your boyfriend and lose your friends? So what. They really aren't your friends after all are they?


7. Trying - I had a lovely experience with one of my ex-girlfriends (not the one with the millions of piercings - she's still my best friend) where she decided we were getting "too close" and ditched me for some guy who didn't even like her and already had a girlfriend. Seriously, what the heck was she expecting to happen? NOTE: To this day she is still single and fails literally every attempt and effort with a guy due to the fact that she did this to me and the word spread around. Also NOTE: I didn't spread it, I'm not that kind of guy, rumors just spread.


8. Shyness - I believe this is the best quality a girl can have! Shy girls are much more appreciative of a guy who takes the time to get to know and love them. They also seem to be much more involved with their boyfriend and typically last longer than most other relationships.


9. Self-esteem - Stop telling me you're fat/overweight/ugly/etc. I've heard this a million times. The truth is, I wouldn't be dating you if I didn't like you exactly the way you are. I agree saying this once or twice to be flattered is awesome. Don't push it, I don't want to hear this every day, hour, minute, or second. This generally just pisses me off in repitition and pulls me away from my feelings towards you.


10. Reserved smarts - No one likes a girl who shows off her smarts by using them to put other people down or something related to that sort. You know you're smart, I know you're smart, let's just let that be our little secret.




Again, these were done in no particular order. However, for you people who like to pry: numbers 1, 2, 3, 6, and 8 are my most coveted traits.


Sorry if I got a little out of control with a few of these. Tell me what you think of my opinions, as well as post your own! I intend this to help those out there looking to improve their character.


Now let me hear your opinions!

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lets see here. I like these that you said:







Some of my own to add


1) Matching sense of humor: lets face it, we all need laughter in our life. Kinda ackward if you can't share some of the things you thought was funny. Does leave a bit of a void.


2) Special Talents: current girl friend has an AMAZING voice. I learn songs on the guitar / piano and she sings em. Currently working on Faith hill - breathe and Augilera - Beautiful.


3) Aggresive: aggresive in all sorts of ways. mostly in personal goals and in the bedroom 1st time a girl sat straddled me, pinned me down, and started making out with me.... dam it was NICE.


4) Spontaneous: current GF and I try to be as spontaneous as we can be. Like ill call her and say "hey I got an hour break from work, lets hook up" or she calls me saying her plans w/ friends got cancelled and I show up instead. Being able to drop anything to be with you also sorta fits in here I assume.

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sorry, i dont really agree with the ditzy thing, it can be okay but i dont really wanna hang out/go out with someone thats really ditzy, it gets annoying

my big thing is not being easy/expressing a ton of interest

sure it is good to express interest if you like a guy so he can take a small risk by asking you out, but its much more satisfying to get a girl you had to work for, it makes it a million times better than getting someone who was already all over you

sense of humor and athleticism are all great as well



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Shy girls.

So I guess I'm not the only one. These are always the ones I fall for. Dunno why, because they are very high maintenance and cause a lot more heartache than your average bouncy college cheerleader type.



I've said it before, there's nothing sexier than the right pair of frames on the right face.



But a little goes a long way, and some girls lay it on way too thick.



Small moles in just the right place. I could draw a map of the faces of girls I've fallen for who had a small mole somewhere on their cheek or lip. But they have to be small.


Big noses.

I'm not kidding, but it has to be big in just the right way. Sarah Jessica Parker's nose is hideous, by the way, and so is her mole (gag), but a very young Meryl Streep..now we're talking.




Long, truly curly hair.





Anywhere else but on their ear or belly button.





Turn-off numero uno.


Cell phones.

Turn-off numero duo.

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