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I feel like I can't talk to anybody.


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Hi, I feel like I can't tell my problems or thoughts to my friends or family because of their reactions. I feel like when I talk they judge me or offer advice when I just need to vent and be heard. An example is that I'm having a really tough time at my job right now and I don't want to tell anybody because I have in the past quit jobs and become really poor and needed help and when I talk about job troubles people think I am going to quit my job and they tell me to suck it up. I am older and make better decisions now and I would not quit my job before I got another one, but I just need someone to listen. The only person I have at work that I am friends with doesn't see what my problem is and thinks I am whinning about nothing. Another example is when I talk about feeling lonely, being single with few friends, I get the response of "well, do something about it". I really don't know what to do about it and it's not as easy as they seem to think. Even if I am whinng "Is that a crime?" I think everybody is sick of me, but I just feel so alone and feel like I have to go through anything hard in my life alone. Thanks for reading.

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I really understand this feeling, I can't talk to my family about my problems and everytime I tell my friends they scold me for getting into such bad situations. I don't know about you but maybe seeing someone like a therapist or a pyschatrist could help-a counsellor may be better as they are employed to listen more than to advise like therapists. If I had the means to do this myself I know I would see someone. But also ENA is a great place to whine, the majority of people here are really compassionate and always up for giving good advice and trying to help you sort your life out.

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