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Need help talking to a girl

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The one girl I like is basically the only girl I get nervous around. My friends want me to go up to her and ask her to a movie but I can't do it. And I try saying hi to her but it doesn't seem as if she's looking and I give up.


I think im also afraid that I won't know what to talk about and some other things that I cant think of.

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I went through this same exact thing (except i'm a girl) until today. i had been hearing things about him maybe liking me, and i thot he was real hot, but we never had even spoke. but we kept seeing each other in the halls and stuff, and i was dying for him to talk to me. then this morning at school he opened the door for me and later on that day i went up and sat down next to him and we talked. all's gone well. a girl likes it when a guy shows her attention, most guys think that girls don't want them to be aggressive when it comes to asking them out or flirting, but trust me we like the attention. and she won't be mean to you, cuz we all know how much guts it takes to talk to a girl. try just goin up to her sometime when she's not around other people and strike up a conversation about some teacher or a class or something. then you can eventually another day work up to asking her out. try it!

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I have gone through this as well. All you have to do is suck up your courage and walk up to her and talk. You will be nervouse and shy but after you have been talking for a while it all disappears.


Good Luck and I hope you get her!

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Oh and she knows I like her. The other day at lunch, 2-3 of my friends went up to her and told her to wave to me. I did, but she told my friend that she didn't see it. My friend was also whispering in my ear that if she flicks her hair, she likes me. And then she flicked her hair. So it seemed set up but I wasn't sure why. I was sorta embarrassed for some reason (cause everyone was looking at me from our two tables). I didn't talk to her after (I was, but I was a little confused and embarrased).

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Ok I have tried walking by her and saying hi and she is either:


A) Looking down

B) looking the other way


And she asked me online why I never say hi. I told her because every time I try, she isn't looking. She says no. 0_o


Oh and I tried today twice and B and then A occurred. and she asked me the above question on friday. So once again, I am confused.

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Ya iono everyone just says to talk to them but it feels to me that if i were to talk to them like about some teacher or something they would thing why r u talking to me.Iono it just feels weird i guess its jsut my confidence but does anyone else get the feeling that they think that.

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seems to me like you are looking for some magical answer to your problem, you can't do the tiniest thing like make converation and you want something even easier...trust me...quit looking...build confidence and ask with confidence, thats what everybody alse has to do...by the way, i have your smae problem and that is the advice im taking.

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Sorry man its just that ever since i was like 5 ive been put down by people and my whole life has just been constant tearings of my confidence and self esteem.I've moved 3 times and it has followed me everywhere i go i am always the one that gets picked on,put down,has the stupid jokes put towards me.I have like no self esteem what so ever even when people compliment me i say nah it was just ok it wasnt that good i cant take a compliment at all.Sorry if this is going off subject but it deals with my confidence problem.

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I'm sort of having the same problem too. Except that my case is horrible. I think the girl actually notices me, but she just looks the other way when I pass by her. I also think she is trying to avoid me. I think it is all because she noticed I stared at her. I used to wish so hard she would talk to me, because I am too shy to talk to her. I haven't stared anymore since then. But she still seems to be avoiding me. I only see her occasionally, but never alone. She is always around friends (all of them are girls). I have only seen her talking to guys a couple of times. She maybe has a boyfriend, but either she doesn't want to spend time with him, or he doesn't want to spend time with her. I have only seem her alone sometimes, but I always chickened out. I just felt so unprepared. If I saw her in a regular basis, or at least knew where she hangs out alone, maybe It wouldn't be so hard. It's as if she could read my mind. She only appears when I don't expect her to appear, because when I tell myself "If you see her, you will talk to her", she doesn't appear. And sometimes, I convince myself of trying to talk to her, but chicken out when I see her. I don't have self-confidence either. I have been overweight since I was like 7 years old. When I was 12 I was really obese (even more than what I am right now), so even some of my life-long friends would tease me about the "man-boobs" I had. Even my family always kept telling me how fat I looked. Now, they say I have lost a lot of weight, and that I look like a normal person. I know I am still overweight. That was in my home country. When I moved here to Pennsylvania, I sometimes felt paranoid. I would think that everybody was judging me everywhere I went. Whenever someone tells me a compliment, I find it hard to believe. No girl has ever told me she likes me. I envy those guys that have girls chasing them. I get angry when they don't care about how she feels. I am really shy and quiet and have never had a girlfriend. I feel so bad because I can't talk to her. I really like her, but I am moving and doubt that I will ever see her again. And I think it will suck to be 17 and still no girlfriend (not having her, specifically, as a girlfriend). She is the only girl I have ever liked, even among all the attractive girls I have seen in my life since I started wanting to have a girlfriend. I am not picked on anymore, because nobody even talks to me here, but it's my fault. It's my fault because I am really quiet and can't make new friends. Now that I am moving, I have nothing to look forward to in life. Well, I guess that I am not the guy that could give you advise...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem(except im a girl). What I normally do is just write a note and give it to them or have one of my friends give it to that person. Then, if they say yes to just go to the movies ill have some friends that are in a realtionship come and have their bf or gf come too so they can bring up some topics to talk about.

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