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Good day, Thanks everyone

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Today I really feel great. Still miss her and love her like crazy. But I know it is out of my hands now!


Today, I just feel great (maybe its the 5-htp). But I just want to thank everyone on ENA. Reading your stories and the advice you guys/gals have given has been really beneficial to me.


To those who have or are having a bad day, the last wednesday was the worst day ever. It was terrible. But a week later, I feel so much better. Hopefully, the same will happen to you. Time heals all wounds.

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Today I really feel great. Still miss her and love her like crazy. But I know it is out of my hands now!


I'm still waiting for this day. I still can't get my head around the fact there is nothing I can do (amongst other things).


I'm happy for you. I sincerely I am. It gives me hope.

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The day will come. I am not saying I am over my ex. by any means. Its just today, I feel good. It also helped that I did good on my job today, so that made me excited.


My ex. has not spoken to me since we argued and broke up. Not one word. She has rejected flowers I sent her, had her current roommate who I do not get along with at all call me to try and tell me something. Not one single word from my ex. I expressed everything I could to her.


I figure it like this. She knows I love her. She knows the breakup has killed me over the last months. She knows what attempts I could to reconcile. Now its just up to her.


I wrote a long (13 page letter) to her the other day. I put almost every thought I have had for the last two months in that letter. I did it for me. I know the letter would not get her back, but it let me know that I have told her everything that was on my mind and how I have felt for the last two months. I know there is nothing more I can say to her now. There are little new things that pop into my mind each day, but what is the point, I already told her something similar in the 13 page letter.


I am not saying this will work for you, but it has made it a little easier for me. (I think 5-htp has helped too! In case you are wondering, it is some herb that suppose to help with sleep and depression).

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