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last night my bf was fingering me and we didnt go deep at all coz i'm still a virgin, and i wanna stay that way.anyway,so i got all wet and stuff,and i came.then when i went back home,there was still that clear discharge,but there was also a little blood discharge with it. just one time.i would like to know what the possible causes of this might be, and is it normal??? does it mean my hymen is broken? my bf says it could be due to an intense orgasm. any insights on the subject ???

ps: can any of the girls around tell me how i can check myself to know if i'm still a virgin?? thnx.

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I think most people base virginity off of sexual intercourse. Although some do argue oral sex is considered sex. I think doctors only consider intercourse the only way to lose virginity.


You possibly could have tore at the hymen or even possibly completely broke it. Some virgin girls do bleed if fingered, and some don't even bleed during intercourse. Its all just random.


So to answer your question in my views along with almost all of society, You are still a virgin. Wether your hymen is broke or not, thats unknown thing in my books.

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Depends on what your definition of "virgin" is.


If it means to break your hymen then you probably aren't because fingering inside the vagina at all would break it. If it was just your clit then maybe so.


If you have used tampons at all then it is likely that your hymen is perforated anyway. You may have damaged it doing sports too.


If it is to have intercourse then obviously, you are still a virgin.


Why are you so hung up on being a virgin anyway? Even Britney isn't a virgin anymore!

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I agree that it depends on your definition of viginity. An intact hymen is not a very good indicator of virginity, since it can tear with different kinds of activities (sports, masturbation, tampons, etc.) Also, many women are born without a hymen so I wouldn't go by that.


The most common definition of virgin is someone who hasn't had intercourse (penis-vagina penetration specifically). That definition leaves a lot of room to interpret virginity, because it doesn't mention anal penetration or oral sex for that matter.


Then there's certain religious interpretations of who is considered a virgin, which is basically someone who is "chaste" and "pure"-- someone who hasn't engaged in physical sexual activity with someone else. (Now this is a much more strict definition since it would categorize things like oral sex and fingering as a loss of virginity.)


So, it really does depend on how you define it. The most important thing though, is to remember to only go as far as you feel comfortable both physically and emotionally!

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Breaking your hymen is not losing your virginity.

I do research on random things when I get bored, and the hymen was one of them (Yes plz keep odd comments of i need a life to yourself)...


Girls as young as 12 can have their hymen broken without sex at all... Sometime is rips accidentally, most of the time with girls who play sports like soccer. Keep in mind, it is very delicate.


The term virgin means "a person who has never had sex" (look it up) and so Some people consider oral sex and fingering 'real' sex, some do not consider it sex unless the male penetrates with his 'thing' tehe ...


So, If you consider fingering sex, you are not a virgin, If you do not consider it sex, you are still a virgin. Personally, I'd say you are still a virgin. Good to know you want to keep it that way, so I do not need to get into the whole protect yourself thing.


I'd say fingering is just masturbating but having someone do it for you instead...


Hope this helped ya.

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Wow I can't believe Britney is going to burn in hell. That is so sad!


why is it disrespectful to yourself to have sex?


If sex is penile penetration then how do lesbians have sex?


Why is fingering so chaste. Do you really think God sees a difference between fingering and penile penetration?

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I'd say fingering is just masturbating but having someone do it for you instead...


So, if the guy uses a dildo or something like that she'd still be a virgin? Because that would be like masturbating only having someone do it for you by using a dildo. And if he uses his penis that would be like having someone masturbate you by using their penis?? Come on.


I say people should own up to what they're doing! If they make a decision to start doing sexual things with their bf or gf then they are NOT virgins anymore. You can't go around looking for loopholes! You can't have your cake and it eat too. So for christians: supposedly the whole concept of the Virgin Mary is behind all this. Women following her example in remaining "pure" and all that. According to some people then, it's ok with God if she got it on with Joseph with the whole fingering thing? Yeah, how virginal is that?


I don't have a problem with people expressing their sexuality, it just annoys me when people do stuff and then they want to still be virgins. If being a virgin is such a big deal, then why do anything sexual to put that at risk? And if you DO start being sexual, then just own up to it, you're not a virgin anymore. There's no degrees of virginity, either you are or you're not.


Sorry if I sound a little worked up-- I have some strong feelings on this issue.

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^ I really agree with them...

People need to stop trying to make themselves look more innocent by sayin oh im a virgin he just fingered me or we just had oral sex.. SEX is SEX no matter what type..... When are people gonna realize that?

That's just like people "wwanting to stay a virgin til marriage" but they have anal sex....? FOOLS!

Sorry if I sound harsh.. But people need to own up, if you're havin sex (oral or actual intercourse) It's SEX!


-Mythical Suicide-

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I agree with Gimmeaspork and MythicalSuicide,


If you want to be a virgin, act like one.


If you are mucking around you are no longer innocent.


You have had an orgasm with someone else. This is about as sexual as it gets.


But you have never had penile penetration. You can tell your future husband that (if you are worried about having a white wedding)


sex isn't bad. It is natural.


All this hype about virgins. It is hardly an achievement.

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