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Hello there!


I went out with this guy for 4 months. I told him that I am falling for him and he freaked out. Anyhow, I tried to explain to him that I thought I would share how I felt about him and nothing more. I told him that I am not asking anything in return. And I mentioned to him that I just wanted date and have fun. He asked me what if I develop my feelings more for him and I told him I would not. Honestly, I just wanted to date him, have fun and no commitment. Should I stop contacting him completely?


PS. He said that he really likes me and he is not sure what else to say.

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How deep is the relationship? I mean, how far have you guys gone, physically? By the sound of it, it looks like you're falling for this guy, hard. If he's not reciprocating the same feelings, then be aware of the situation, before you might get hurt or burned. I think that when he asked you if you had deeper feeling for him, and you said no, it was his way of justifying his actions! Meaning, whatever you guys are doing, he's trying to make sure that he doesn't look like the bad guy for doing what you guys are doing. Again, I'm not too clear of your situation, but this is how I see it:


1. If you guys are physically intimate, and if he says this to you, then most likely, this relationship sounds like a 'friends with benefits' deal.

2. If not, then perhaps, he might feel as strongly for you, but is simply not ready to make a commitment yet.


Sometimes, if the timing's not right, then it's best that you guys stay friends. But, if you guys are doing hanky panky stuff, and he says this to you, just be aware of the fact that you might be the one who ends up getting hurt.


Be Careful with your heart. Make wise decisions for yourself.


Best of LucK!


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In any relationship or dating it takes two willing people. It does sound to me you care about this person. Do not be alarmed when a guy gets scared. It is in our blood sometimes to as you say "Freak Out" and then we sometimes run and even hide. Someone has to take the lead . And in this case that would be you. You may have to search him out, drag him out. And make sure you give him the best date of his life.And after he gets the hang of it, you will be home free. Ask yourself is he worth it? I'm guessing he is. Go have some fun. He will love you in the end for it. He is just a little chicken right now. We all get that way at times. You can change that with a fun date. If he is a jerk after that, then move on.


Go get em girl, and have a fun date.


Good luck



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