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I remember that day


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"Would you feel less sad if I died far from you?"

My throat tightened as I poured cereal in my bowl and swirled it around.

My brother looked at me waiting, wanting to know how to react.

He continued, "Your mother and I decided it would be best."

I sprinkled sugar over it. My brother stared at his chocolate milk, glassy eyes shimmering slightly.

"Mm-hm" I said. I cleared my throat. "Would you pass the butter?"

He looked at me with sad eyes, trying to find my own, but I couldn't look at him. He set the butter dish gently near my hand. "I'll leave this weekend..."

He said softly, his voice trailed off.

In the distance I heard my aunt's horn beeping, we were late for school. I helped my brother gather his books and I grabbed my bag. He looked so small and sad.

My father gave us a hug and sent us on our way.

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Sure, It's a stream-of-consciousness excerpt from a short story I wrote for a creative writing workshop. It's based on my experience on the day my father told us he was leaving us. The whole short story is not based completely on my life - but this part basically describes how I experienced that moment. I tried not to add any adult feelings that I have since associated with the memory. I just tried to leave intact, as much as I could, the whole surreal feeling that it gave me when he said that first sentence many years ago. I guess that's why it's a bit strange like you said.

Thanks for reading!

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