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Is it legal to date her in Canada?

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Alright, here is my situation. I've met this girl who happens to be 16 (turns 17 in about 1 month) and I'm 19 (turn 20 in about 6 months). I was wondering if it is legal for me to date this girl?


I'm in Canada and I believe the age limit is 16 all over Canada? If I'm wrong please tell me. What sort of problems could I run into seeing that she is not 18?


I get the feeling her parents dont like the idea of me seeing her because of my age. And after reading about people getting the cops called on them I'm a little scared.

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I personally have NO idea what the legal limit is for sex in Canada (since I'm assuming that's what you're actually asking.) But I think that, to be on the safe side, you should look up Canadian dating law on the Internet and see what it has to say. Also, just don't rush this girl! (No offense meant and I wasn't implying you would!) Just keep in mind that girls will go along with a guy's suggestion pretty easily because they don't want to lose that guy, and regardless of your hormones, this girl still has some growing up to do!




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Yes, surprisingly it is 14


So you are perfectly fine. Besides, the intent of the law is to prevent something like a 30 year old victimizing a 12 year old (ye gads, what an appalling thought), not to keep teenagers a year or two apart away from one another.


And it's sex that's the issue. Not dating. You are perfectly fine. There is nothing in the slightest illegal. If her parents don't like it, that is something for you all to deal with, but certainly the police will not get involved. There is no basis for it.


But as Mar says, all that aside, sex will come along when you're both ready. Dating, great, go for it. Nothing at all wrong with that.

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In case anyone was wondering, legal age for sex is 16 here but hey, no one ever gets caught...


Hmmm, I beg to differ. Have a look at these just for a sample:


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Bottom line is that people DO get caught for this and when they do there are extremely heavy penalties for it. Dont risk it.

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