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When someone dumps you after a long relationship

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for someone else what % of the reason is usually due to the excitement of a new person? I mean many times it seems the dumper is happy but to where they don't communicate an issue until someone new pursues them and they can't resist. Then all of a sudden they focus on any negative to justify actions. The learning lesson for me is not to put all of my eggs in one basket and to make sure I keep my friends. My ex really didn't have any friends but when she hooked up with the new guy got plugged into all of is. Thanks goodness I kept a few good friends. Why get married if late night promises ultimately mean nothing. Tradition like going to college, getting married buying a house and having more than one kid for most is the wrong thing to do these days.

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This is exactly what I went through and pondered every day. I have come to the point of giving up on looking for love to establish a family with. Modern technology has made things easier and I'm thinking just to have a kid my own with two dogs. They're better than a man maybe! The only downside is that the kid won't grow up with both parents present - but it's the reality of the society anyways. I feel so pathetic after my ex left for another woman.

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for someone else what % of the reason is usually due to the excitement of a new person? I mean many times it seems the dumper is happy but to where they don't communicate an issue until someone new pursues them and they can't resist. Then all of a sudden they focus on any negative to justify actions. The learning lesson for me is not to put all of my eggs in one basket and to make sure I keep my friends. My ex really didn't have any friends but when she hooked up with the new guy got plugged into all of is. Thanks goodness I kept a few good friends. Why get married if late night promises ultimately mean nothing. Tradition like going to college, getting married buying a house and having more than one kid for most is the wrong thing to do these days.


The first half i can really relate too and it's true. I found myself lol while reading that. It's ridiculous how that works.

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