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Ladies please helpme out with this one sex talk


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Ok ladies I have been with my girlfriend now for over 7 months. I am a shy guy and have a hard time talking in a communication so we don't talk that much. We sometimes talk in bed before we go to sleep. We have been living together now for 5 months at the beginning we where having sex every day sometimes 2 times a day but lately we have been going a week or longer without sex I know it mostly me and my inability to communicate especially when i know she wants it my problem is acting on signals and talking about it i know where adults but mentally something is always holding me back from what i want to say or do. My ? for all of u ladies is to give me some advice on things u like guys to say or do in bed and out of bed to show u love them. We both say I love u but we haven't kissed for months. My girl works the night sift so we only slept together in bed 2 times a week. In bed sometimes she will be facing away from me and i know she may want to do something but since i am so shy and nervous i cant act on things. She will even place her leg over my leg like she is pulling me in sometimes i act on this and we have a great night but other times i don't act on it. keep in mind that i dont say anything while this is going on.


If u ladies are still reading this i appreciate any help and advice u can offer me. I know we love each other and i can see this by her staying with me but i know it cant last like this and i need to change.

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Can you just (in bed when you are about to fall asleep) scoot up behind her, move her hair out of the way and whisper in her ear, "Baby, you are so beautiful. I love you so much" or some other sweet nothings....and then make love. Also, why don't you surprise her with flowers or make her a special dinner just because? These are sweet, caring ways that a woman will melt for.

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It may sound a little odd but a hug, holding hands, or anything that isn't overtly sexual but still intimate can sometimes be better than sex. Let her know from time to time how happy she makes you feel or the little things she does that made you fall in love with her. Do something special for her out of the blue like give her flowers even if there's no special occasion for it. Write a silly love letter, who knows...just make her feel wanted and special.


I think maybe your girlfriend is looking for more intimacy between the two of you instead of going straight to sex. For most women I know, including myself, our emotion is tied with our sex life. If my bf doesn't make me feel emotionally satisfied and I don't feel like we're connecting then I wouldn't want to have sex with him as often.

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Why not work on your shyness first? Surely, you need to eventually get comfortable with her, after all you are living with her. I know it takes time to open up, but you will never get your point accross if you don't say anything. If you know that you want something, just take the initiative and do it! It's not as hard as you think it is. Go for it, I'm rooting for you! Start off by being more affectionate, give her hugs for no reason, you mentioned that you haven't kissed in months - start off by giving her kisses on the cheeks and move on from there. Women likes to feel wanted, especially by someone they adore.

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U just got to open up in front of her..share everything with her..let her know how u feel about things..coz that will help u knowing her even better in the due process.That is how an emotional connection estabilishes...It might take some time though..but not too long..After that u will undoubtedly feel comfortable in doing evrything with her,b it on bed or anywhere else..

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