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so what do dreams mean to everyone

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okay here it goes. (sorry if it makes no sense)


so what do dreams mean to everyone here. i would love to know all of your thoughts on it.


this is the thing. see i have always had very odd dreams, dreams that really happen. i had a horrible dream about one of my mothers friends before he killed himself, i have had dreams that i was very sick before being put in the hospital, i have had dreams of my step father beating me up and doing things to me which really ended up happening, and just other little things that i dream of and end up coming up that you would ever really think of really happening because they are just really odd. The most disturbing dream i ever had was the night before they found my best friend dead ( im not going to go over that one if you don't all mind ).

well anyway a while before my best friend died my ex, and i were sitting in the liveing room talking about dreams. he brought up this thing that he had heard that some people think is true, where if you die in your sleep, you actually see it happen then you really die and never wake up. and i was like yeah right. and he said Quote on Quote " have you ever seen yourself die in your dream." and he meant really die like not come back. and i thought about it and you know what... i haven't. i can sometimes be falling knowing im going to hit that ground and be road kill and i wake up or i end up switching to something else in my dream and wont be falling anymore. so do you think that it could possibly be true. that your mind works in such a way that it can fool your body into really dieing? sounds odd. i know but what do you all out there believe about dreams. your comments are all welcome, please don't be worried that i or anyone else will think your idea is dumb, because its your opinion and i just want to know. thanX.

Love Qtpie87

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The human brain is very complexed and is capable of more things than that are already proven. The ties of the brain to the spirit is also unknown, but some people believe that your spirit is able to travel through time and other stuff like that. There are people that are more sensative to unseen things, clairvoyant. Of course, non of this this is really proven. However, I've had dreams where I saw things in the future that happened later, like new classes and people I met later in life, but I never really have a death dream, well I did but it was pretty stupid and kindda funny. I feel that the full capibilities of the brain have still yet to be discovered and if you feel your dreams tell you something, you should listion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I´ve never been here before...


found the link on a search engine..


I´ve already discussed this matter with a girl I know, but even she had no answers..


I´ve had a lot of dreams before, only a single dream I can´t remember, I had it last night..


I remember it made me really happy..


I remember it was something out of the ordinary..

but I don´t remember it..



I´ve had many dreams before, where I wake up just before I die..


but tonight....


I saw myself die..


I saw myself getting stabbed to death, falling to the ground..


I saw myself lying there bleeding... heard my heart stop beating, my lungs stop breathing..


I saw the spark in my eyes disappear..


and I woke up..


I don´t know what happened..


I don´t know why i died..


all I know is.. I don´t want to go to sleep again.. ever..


I don´t want to risc not waking up the next time.


I still feel the stings in my chest, where the sabres stabbed me..





Is there anything to do about it ?


I will believe in anything that is required, I will jump off a cliff if that would be the last solution..


But I won´t go back to sleep until I believe I will wake up the next time.

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seeing your post sends chills down my spine. i hope to see a reply from you again just to know that you are still with us amongst the living. i hope nothing bad happens to you.


regarding the original post. yes, i hear about a friend of mine whom had dreams. and what he saw happened. it was as if he was seeing the future in his dreams but doesn't realize it until it hits. very very strange indeed. i suppose some are "blessed" with the power of forsight.

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