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URGENT ; How to tell him I don't mind he's to be my first...

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Hey-Thanks a lot for all of you who have shared to me about how it feels to have sex for the first time... It's appreciated a lot!!!

Now, I'm wondering if any of you can help me by giving me advices how to let my boyfriend know that I really don't mind if he's the one who's gonna be the first for me....

Well, let me tell you that he's kind of type who prefers doesn't wanna be the first but... I know that he's dying to have sex with me! When he knew that I'm a virgin, he was freaking out a bit & up to now he's still afraid to touch me again

From his behaviour, I can see that he wants me to be the one who initiates him because I know he doesn't want me to regret it so he doesn't want to push me, it must be my decision...

We decided to go out of town together in the near future (When he asked me to go out of town also he didn't ask me straight away, he just offered me & I had to 'pick it up' myself) & I want to give him 'signal' for this time but I want it looks natural because it seems 'natural' is his style... WHAT SHOULD I DO???....

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you should just tell him straight out that you would like him to be your first. he's waiting to hear that from you before he tries anything. he's probably thinking that you are waiting until marriage, or just waiting for the perftect moment & doesn't know when that is for you. you need to tell him if that is how you are feeling. it seems to me that he doesn't want to push anything on you, so if you are ready, tell him.

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You know, I've ever told him that I don't mind if he becomes the first for me but he never believes me! Oh well, he has his own reason anyway to doubt my statement... He always thinks when I said like that I must be under pressure, I want to make him happy & it's not 'me' who said that Eventhough I often told him that it's my decision because I'm old enough to decide with whom I want to do it with so I won't regret it!

Let me tell you that I'm kind of girl who doesn't think much about 'sex'. My boyfriend sometimes likes to talk dirty to me unfortunately I just didn't get it because I just didn't get use into it So that's why he never believes when suddenly I talk 'dirty' & something about 'sex' to him

Well, I'm quite sure that he has a plan by taking me out of town & I want him to know that I'm ready for that if he wants to, I won't look silly in front of him later Do you think he wants to give me a chance to prove everything that I said to him (that I want him to be my first...)???....

Do you guys really ever consider about it when your girl said that she's ready to have sex with you?... Or just ignore it instead because you might think that she's just kidding or too emotional?...

Please share to me, I'm dying to know!!!

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