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I need advice on getting my ex back. We had a wonderful relations hip for a year and a half and he dumped me out of nowhere. We played the ex game for months and out of nowhere he no longer wants to play that game. We were supposed to be working out our differences, but i feel that I was the only one who was workien on them. We still talk on a regular bases and date, but he says he doesnt love me anymore, how ever i get mixed signals on what his true feelings are. He doesnt like to talk about things and everything that comes out of my mouth he gets aggrivatied about. DO you think if I just give him some space and disapear for a while, getten rid of mutual friends, then just give him a call out of the blue for dinner, that mite help him to get over the anger he has towards me. I kinda blew things by callen to much and not given him space when we broke up. What can I do to fix it.

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Hi July,

I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I know the hurt you feel and hope that you can find some answers to your questions.


Your question is, how can I get my ex back. I think that if you are willing to,

- Do all the work with regard to trying to fix difference (in other words acquiesce to what ever he wants)

- Be willing to love someone with all your heart that does not love you back,

- Be willing to not talk about things that concern you,

he MAY be interested.


My question to you is what do you want from this relationship, IF you could get it back?



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oh god Iam in the same situation too. Dont know how many guyz have been doing this. I understand how much it would have hurt you. As far as i know , you should just try to disappear from his life for a while. He will come back automatically. I guess I have tried enough to make him happy when he is around. But he always turned his back on me when it comes to our relationship. Just leave this guy alone for a while. He will be fine.

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He doesnt hate me, i knew it just needed to be reassured. ITs just easier for them. And I hope your Right, we were very good together, that and I had been thru alot and this has been the firtst decent guy I have been with, and I have spent months figuren out what I did wrong, nothen, just a case of bad timeng. That and Hes not happy with himself its not me orelse he wudnt keep talken to me rite???Or buyen me dinner, or being there everytime I need help.

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oh god Iam in the same situation too. Dont know how many guyz have been doing this. I understand how much it would have hurt you. As far as i know , you should just try to disappear from his life for a while. He will come back automatically. I guess I have tried enough to make him happy when he is around. But he always turned his back on me when it comes to our relationship. Just leave this guy alone for a while. He will be fine.

the lenth that I have. You gave in and did everything you cud too huh?? And it was never enought???? Yeah!!! Im not alone and not pathetic. I just have strong values in friend ship and love, unconditional love. I fight to the end when I think its worth fixin

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