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Everything posted by julyapril_96

  1. [Alls I can tell you is to listen toevery one who tells you to bakc off. I know its hard, butif you push him hes just gonna pull away and resent you. Time will tell all, being completely away from him including mutual friends pics, the whole nine yards will help. Time will tell, who knows you may realize you mite not even want him anymore and you deserve some one whowants to be with you. Dont make the mistakes I did, I know how hard it is just back off and if he really loves you he will come back. The phrase, if you love something or someone let it free, if it comes back to you love it forever. TRUST ME quote=Angelized] My ex boyfriend and went out for 10months, I've known him for over a year now, we've been broken up for 5 months... Just before we broke up we had this silly argument about condoms, we were on the phone then he hung up on me, he unhooked the phone so I couldn't get through, I got my brother to drop me off at his house for awhile & so he did, my ex & I argued some more, he was yelling at me pushing me around telling me to "Get the F*&K out of his house" I didn't leave until he said he was going to call the cops for me tresspassing, I only went there to tell him that our argument was stupid & to apologise the way I've been acting, but I made matters worse... Next day he didn't come into class (we do the same course together) It was a friday, I started texting him asking if our relationship was alright, he texted me back & said "No it wasn't, it's over!" I asked him why? & his reply was "I don't love you anymore" It really hit me, but I didn't want to believe in it... later I rang him & told him I would accept it & to forgive me for my attendance at his house last night, he accepted my apologie so we became friends from then on, I met up with him in the city & we both hung out with our friends until we went home... The next day we went to a carnival together, we had a really good time, later that night he said I could stay at his house if I needed a place to stay, we went home & he told me to sleep on the floor, so I did, it felt really weird at first because I usually sleep in his bed, I whined at him at first saying I wouldn't touch him but he said no. Since we go to the same school I see him every single day, my computer is next to his aswell & I can't move seats because all the other computers are taken. From today we still spend after school moments, lunch breaks & some of our weekends together, either together or with our friends. A few weeks later I had a miscarriage, I was 7 weeks pregnant & I didn't know... I told one of our bestfriend about it, he went & told my ex when I specifically told him not to. One night while I was over at his house, I told him what had happened, he was a bit angry/upset because he wasn't the first to know, I cried asking him if he wanted to know how or why it happened, he said he was "OVER" it & that he doesn't want to know anyting about it. That really upseted me but i ignored it because I didn't want to argue with him anymore. He didn't even comfort me, I guess it's because he doesn't know how to. I have been feeling so numb, empty & guilty about all this, because the person I love has not comforted me & he just doesn't care anymore. I have lost two parts of him & sometimes I think that I can't handle life anymore. I asked him why he doesn't love me anymore, & at first he said he didn't know why, then later he said after our fight, he just thought at the back of his head & realised that he just doesn't anymore & that he really truly DID love me. But if he DID love me, he wouldn't be able to turn his love off so easily like a tap... Sometimes I don't believe him when he says that he doesn't love me anymore, reason why is that all the other times when him or I wanted to break up with eachother because of silly reasons I would always say "but if we both love eachother, why can't we be together" & we would always get back together from those words because they were true... & I think he's just saying that he doesn't love me anymore because there is no reason for him or I to get back together & he has just accepted that our relationship is just not going to work out. The first couple of days/weeks, he wouldn't let me touch him, & now he lets me touch his face, his hair, his arms, lets me sit on his lap sometimes, & he especially hugs me everytime we say goodbye. I just have to thank god that he doesn't totally hate me & pushing me away, although I sometimes wish he does, because it would let me get over him faster. Since our break up I have become a better person, we haven't had silly little fights anymore, we've both been a lot happier about things, we both do a lot more & still be happy... I still want another chance, I believe that we can still be together, I believe that our break up was for me to learn my lesson so I can become a better person... but what if it is for real? what if he really doesn't love me anymore? I am trying to prove to him that we can still be together & that I have changed, but it might be too late, he might realise that being just friends is best for us & I would get no more chances, we both have the same friends in class aswell, if I break our friendship up, I'll lose them aswell & I'll have to be alone. While we were breaking up, he once said to me that I should treat it like a long break, & that he just doesn't want to be with anyone right now, & when he does, it might be me again, or it might be some other girl, I'll just have to wait & find out, but I don't want to be waiting all this time & then see him become lovers with another girl, I think that would hurt me more. What can I do to get him back? I want to write him a letter, but I want to know if it's too late or too soon to spill my heart out at him... I want to know if he will actually listen to my words in that letter, I want to know what to say to get him back... Maybe I am better off without him, but I don't want that, I just want us to be together... everyone says that we still act like we still go out... he still rings me up when he wants to go out to an event with me. What can I do or say to get him back?! please help! Do you think I still have a chance?! Please help me someone.
  2. the lenth that I have. You gave in and did everything you cud too huh?? And it was never enought???? Yeah!!! Im not alone and not pathetic. I just have strong values in friend ship and love, unconditional love. I fight to the end when I think its worth fixin
  3. He doesnt hate me, i knew it just needed to be reassured. ITs just easier for them. And I hope your Right, we were very good together, that and I had been thru alot and this has been the firtst decent guy I have been with, and I have spent months figuren out what I did wrong, nothen, just a case of bad timeng. That and Hes not happy with himself its not me orelse he wudnt keep talken to me rite???Or buyen me dinner, or being there everytime I need help.
  4. I need advice on getting my ex back. We had a wonderful relations hip for a year and a half and he dumped me out of nowhere. We played the ex game for months and out of nowhere he no longer wants to play that game. We were supposed to be working out our differences, but i feel that I was the only one who was workien on them. We still talk on a regular bases and date, but he says he doesnt love me anymore, how ever i get mixed signals on what his true feelings are. He doesnt like to talk about things and everything that comes out of my mouth he gets aggrivatied about. DO you think if I just give him some space and disapear for a while, getten rid of mutual friends, then just give him a call out of the blue for dinner, that mite help him to get over the anger he has towards me. I kinda blew things by callen to much and not given him space when we broke up. What can I do to fix it.
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