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My ex broke up with me about 4 weeks ago. We are one of those couples that will go out for a couple weeks, breakup, then in a couple weeks go back out again. I'm a senior and she is a sophomore so I'm relating to her not being ready for a relationship. The last breakup I told her I never wanted to see, hear, or think of her ever again. Nonetheless about a week later she texts me asking if "we can be friends". At first I didnt answer...I told her not to, I've been stuck on this girl that I love so much for so long, and all she did was hurt me. I told her sure why not (im a sucker), but luckily the next week was spring break. I remained no contact, and for the first time in a long time I was getting over her. Around the end of the spring break her bestfriend calls me and says that my ex really misses me right now, and would even want to be friends with benefits or something to that. I told her how I felt that just being friends would hurt me, but in the end I decided to be it anyways. The next weekend we hung out, hooked up here and there, but still it hurt knowing I couldn't really truly have a connection with her, and I still like her (shes such a perfect girl for me). The next week I asked her to the prom and she agreed.


Could anyone tell me why she does this to me, why not just go out and be with me. I feel as if I could never tell her I dont want to be friends becuase I love her and I need her in my life somehow, yet it hurts at the same time. I also feel that all this friend stuff might turn her off to me and not allow me to hookup with her anymore...I guess I'm just confused.

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In my experience it is normally the guys that want it all. They want to be single and have a girlfriend, but not really have a girlfriend and all that confusing stuff, but this time it sounds like you have a girl like that. Seems she's just interested in the benefits and being single. It's up to you as to what to do about it, but if it were me it would ether have to be all or nothing. none of this stringing you along bs.

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