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This is my first post so it may not be so good, but i need help.


I'm so confused with this one. My girlfriend and I have a long distance relationship in which we don't get to see eachother that often but we talk a lot.Anyways, she said that we were moving too fast and it wasn't working for her. She said that she needed to "explore her options" and see other people. The thing that I dont understand is that I dont think we were. She set the pace.


One night about 12:30 AM she texted me out of nowhere saying that she was falling in love with me. I thought this was sudden but I felt the same way so I told her. About a week of the same talk that we're falling in love with eachother and saying what we loved about eachother went on. One day, we were talking on the phone and I told her that I was in love with her and she said that she felt the same.


However, the day after SHE SAID that she loved me and missed me, she said that we were moving too fast and she wanted to see other people.


I'm confused and dont know what to do. I love her more than anything and I thought she felt the same for me, at least that's what she said. The thing that makes me even more confused is that she didn't even try to tell me that she wasn't comfortable with how fast we were moving.


Please help me figure out what to do to win her back.



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You are very young and WILL find love again (hopefully many many many times).


At 15 you SHOULD be dating other people and exploring your options.


I know that the pain is awful, and it really doesn't get any better when you are a full-fledged adult (if anything, it gets worse when you are my age).


But remember this, you will live several lifetimes by the time you are 20. By the time you are 30 (I know that seems like it will never happen!), you will not be the same person you were at 20.


You need to be in contact with someone close. Long distance relationships are tough....don't saddle yourself with that burden.


Good Luck.


Anytime you want to contact her, come to this site. That's what I do!

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Hey dude


ok i know this is going to be really hard ok ive been through it i was in love with this girl she told me she loved me back and left me for another guy i was shattered but i picked myself up and just found anotther girl who i like and it wasnt easy but once i amde the move it was so much better. so my advice to you is tell this girl goodbye and goodluck its not going to be easy on you but its to hard to have a long distance relationship at our age, better you find someone closer and have fun with someone you can see more (1st you need a rebound girl though), besides stay friends with her and when your older you could see each other more and go back out again sorry if i bored you with my story but i just so you know i know what your going through

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