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Lately, I've been feeling really lonely. My parents are constantly fighting, my brother is in college, I don't see my friends anymore, and there are all these kids who are older than me who pick on me because I wear Invader Zim Shirts(my fav show), wristbands, and black pants most of the time. Everything is going downhill. I also like this teacher at my school and the people who do know make fun of me for it. I don't what to do.

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I'm sorry things are not good at home right now, and that you don't have your brother there for support because he's in college. But as far as the people in school are concerned...honey, let me tell you something. The people who pick on you are just hung up on their own insecurities, and they have to have a target they THINK is even more "different" than they are...just let it go. You will find friends who like you for who you are, or the ones you do have that are true friends will stay with you, and the rest...well, the rest you won't care about in a few years. I was very, very overweight whenever I was in school, and my life was hell...the other kids picked on me constantly, I mean CONSTANTLY. But I had a few friends who saw the real me, and saw that I was a good person, and they stuck by me...the rest of those jerks don't mean a thing to me anymore. I can't even remember their names or their faces. It will be this way for you...you be your own person, become the person you want to be and you feel comfortable with, and to the DEVIL with those who don't like it. It's their loss...trust me.

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id just remember you signature,


you laugh at me because im different, i laugh at you because your all the same


because who want to be the same anyway, why be a sheep and follow the trends of another, people are liked for their originality so stick to what you like and not be swayed but what people think


~LJ =;

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