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Hey Everyone. I was wondering if anyone could list a few things on how to get completely over a bf/gf?


I wanna get over someone cos i still till this day keep thinking of him constantly like all day & night.


How do you stop obsessing over someone who you care alot for?


Help is much appericated , Thanks!

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Here are a few things that have helped me.....


1. Time ( a big factor)

2. Accepting that I can't make her want me.

3. Running, exercising. Figuring if I can't make her want me I might be able to make her wish she still had me. Look as good as I can.

4. Started going to church

5. Started hanging out with old friends.

6. Started looking at myself from the outside. Meaning taking inventory of all my flaws and am trying to address them. Sometimes this is very hard for people to do, but if you can get gut level honest it can be a very enlightening experience.

7. Concentrate on the postives in my life instead of the negative. I am healthy, my daughter is healthy. I have a good job, I am successful. etc...


The above are many of the things I have done. I am not healed by any stretch. I still think about her daily, but each day its a little less. I am certainly not obsessing over her anymore. I don't worry about what she is doing, who she might be seeing. I know she is a good mom so I don't worry about how my daughter is going to be raised. I still wish she would see I am a good guy.


Strange how some people change.

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You have to grieve in your own time and in your own way.....you will have a wide range of emotions....feeling of loss, feeling of being rejected, lonely, pissed off, angry, regret, memories......things will set you off. You will sometimes not even feel like getting out of bed. take it slow......real slow. When you catch yourself thinking of that person....say to yourself stop.......but the key is to accept the fact that it is really over and try and move forward......if they used to sleep in the samr bed....and now when you wake up they are no longer with you......well then that should be telling you it is over.......things change in the future.....they might come back, they may never come back...i would not be sitting by the phone watching my caller waiting for the call. Like i always say, while your sitting home with a broken heart.....heck, they are out dancing......so put on your dancing shoes....next year this time, you will have a hard time remembering their name...they will always be a fleeting thought...that is human nature.....



Be Strong !!!!




8) 8) 8)

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I am doing the same as Hoping & Praying. It takes time, create other distractions for yourself. Above all, remain positive. Eventually you will get so fed up with the person in your thoughts, you will naturally look for other distractions.


Exercise is one of the best solutions. It stimulates your body and the chemicals that make you happy and ease stress. The food you eat can also have an impact on your emotions. Eating food with zinc in like prawns etc help relieve stress and increase that happy feeling.


Get out and be social no matter how difficult or impossible it feels. You may feel like crap but it will do you good. I have mastered the art of the fake smile (Happy on the outside, sad and lonely on the inside)...ok, its not always genuine but by making the people around me happy, they enjoy going out with me, which means I get happiness in return, which lessens the pain.


Strange how people change.


How very true.

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Great answer Hoping&Praying. It is so true. Doing things that are focused on improving yourself helps tremendously. Working out is one of the best things because it gives you a sense of accomplishement, and physiologically it makes you feel better in the short-term and the long-term. Thinking positively was also a great piece of advice. It is not easy at first; sometimes you will need to force yourself to do these things, but in time it will get easier. And before you know it, you will not be thinking about that other person so much.

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