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How come relationships or anything related to dating never seem to work for me or anything? I always see other girls flirting with guys, and asking them out even too! How come I never get the same thing? Or when some girl likes another guy, he'll find out from one of her friends or another source, but no, not me..


I'm not repellant, or ugly, and I'm not shy, and I'm nice. What exactly is going on here? It's not like I don't try or anything, but this is stupid!

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Whats the point in being the same as everyone else anyway. Sure it may be easier, but girls asking out guys simply doesn't happen very often. If you still want to be like everyone else, think about this. Those guys that you see getting asked out are probably being asked by people who are used to doing that. They probably somehow know each other or are in a large circle of friends. Maybe you just aren't trying hard enough. or maybe the cards have just been stacked against you. If at first you don't succeed, try again.

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Well I dont even know what to say. It's like its not worth it anymore. I don't know what to do. What should I do!? Ahhhh. So much stress with school, and being alone, and my ex gf (who ran off to another guy) trying to rub it in makes me feel like crap. I feel like im not good enough for anyone....I don't know how to win someone over...Damnit..With the thinking..and stuff....grrr...what can I do!?

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I have been, and she's trying to make me and her new bf fight over her again, and I find it really funny, and weak minded of her to have to bring up an old argument just because she can't stand not being fought over.


But finding someone new is really hard. For whatever reason when you think you've found someone something goes wrong, well, at least for me.

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