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my mind literally feels like an empty container..speechless

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Hi everyone,


Im really getting down on myself because i can never contribute to a converstation, let alone starting one. It's not that I'm shy or introverted it's just that i can never think of anything to say or contribute. I watch others doing it as it's there second nature or something. I'm always getting pressured about this with my family and it's really REALLY annoying. I mean, i have the potential to develop true relationships with people but i lack the basic skills, and these skills that I'm lacking is making me seem like a distant unfriendly person who has nothing to say.


sometimes i think it makes sense that i have nothing to say because my mind hasn't been introduced much social enviornment. my brain literally feels like a empty container when it comes to having something good to say without looking and feeling stupid and awkward. i mean i so worried about what to say that i completely miss or ignore what someone has already told me. my high school years could have been wonderful, but ironically i hated it. i hated it because i isolated myself from 3000 people! not one person by my side. just me and my piano that i love to play. most people might think im shy but im not. i'm just a few words short. is this really a big deal or am i becoming a cognitive thinker who's making a huge scene out of it? Get this, i love to write and the thoughs and words come so easliy without any hesitation. if i could only put into words what i put into paper i'd probably be a popular person (not that i want to be). Thank you for your time. All responses welcome.


"Do not go where the path may lead, instead find you're own way and leave a trail" Capricornus.

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Hi, i understand how you feel. I'm not shy either, just used to lack conversation skills. I started to really hone in on my skills, by reading books, watching the news, current events, new movies- independent films, art. Learn about many intersting things and you will never have problems. I used to be fearful of starting up conversations through lack of what to say. Usually, when I begin talking to soemeone, I ask them what they do (career), where they went to college, those two questions usually can fill an entire conversation. people love to talk, so ask questions> lots of questions, people are glad to talk about themselves. since you're 18, youre friends probably don't have careers yet, so I would ask people questions, (if you don't know them), what are you studying, where are you from, did you ever do this activity? what kind of music do you like. then always have a cute story or something. know about good films playing, new music- ask epople if they've heard the new CD by ..... i hope this helps. i know, it's tough. but reading a lot about many differnt subjects really can initiate a conversation.

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Well, you certainly write lucidly and with detail, so I don't think your mind is an empty container at all. You can actually take classes, you know, that develop your conversational skills. Have you heard of Toastmasters? Their probably one of the most well-known programs of this sort. Try it out, and if you feel silly doing it, remember two things: 1) no one you know has to actually know you're taking the class and 2) you will meet other people just like you in these classes, people that are intelligent & interesting enough that they want to relate well with other people, and are taking the time and effort to learn how to do so.

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