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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Its ironic you know... when you told me everyone always lets you down? That you cant count on anyone for anything... you were always able to count on me though.

Isnt that funny? That when the chips were down, youd let me down in the process? I knew your story, god no one is ever going to know you as well as I did. Yet for all those faults, all those problems, I still stood by you, without any doubt in my mind or heart that I would ever let you fall.


But you let me fall... and I hope no one ever holds you up again.

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I'm at a crossroads and don't know what to do or what to say. It's been a rough 16 months. Wow... 16 months already... it seems like yesterday was April, and I was writing you that letter about how it was 9 months and we were still at a stalemate. It's almost 9 months later!!


Like I told you... you're gonna do what you're gonna do. Unfortunately I have no control over the matter, because no matter what I say, or the things I do, or however "jealous" you get over someone else talking to me ... it'll never be down the right path.

Before you settle into anything, you want to make sure it's right.

16 months and you still haven't even thought about giving it a chance?

When will it ever be right?

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I woke up this morning thinking of you. I know you went to that 21st party last night, and the first image when I woke up was of you waking up with your arm around another girl. A dark haried girl with skanky black hair.

When we argued, you said the break up could've been much worse. I wondered then what you were thinking, or if you were threatening me. And then this morning it hit - you are more of a coward than I thought. You wanted other people, you thought the grass was greener. You didn't tell me to save my feelings. I hate you for that. You are a coward, just a scum sucking coward. The truth would be better than hoping you'll change your mind over the past 4 weeks, and come back to me. You have no idea how much pain you've caused.

I miss you, and I love you, but I deserve more than you. I hate myself for missing you, you are not worth my feelings. I'm not going ot cry for you, I'm going to cry for the person I thought you were. And I'm going to cry because I pity you and every other girl you manage to screw around.

One day, someone will break your heart. I hope you'll think of me. I won't be thinking of you.

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Funny how I post on the forum when Im depressed instead of actually telling you about how Im feeling.


Lifes been hard on me. I think about you a lot. I miss you. There were so many things I wanted to say to you but you wouldnt listen. Its okay though because you wouldnt understand anyway. You have a lot of friends. Its easy for you to forget about me. I try hard you know. It might not seem like it but I carry a lot of weight on my shoulders. I wisht I didnt care sometimes. I wish I can start over.


I hope you're happy. I hope you're doing well.

I wish I was happy. I wish i was doing well.....

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It's getting kind of hard to believe

things are going to get better

I've been drowning too long to believe

that the tide's going to turn


And I've been living too hard to believe

that things are going to get easier now

I'm still trying to shake off the pain

from the lessons I've learned


I will let this world know:

How much I love you--


I can't.

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I honestly HATE the thought that you are out with Clarissa tonight. HATE HATE HATE. It feels like another Vikki instance revisited. Truth is- the reason we could NEVER EVER work again is because I have NO trust for you- NONE. I lost it a long time ago, with every lie you told, and by hooking up with that skank and lying to me about it, and I'm sure right now as I sit here in tears you'll be hooking up with Clarissa- another skank to add to your long list. Nice.

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I feel really crappy that you and her are all familied-up this weekend, doing all the fun fall activities, enjoying the lovely days we are having before the storms set in....


while I am sitting here alone on Saturday night, not even a friend on chat (probably have bled them dry during the needy-days of the breakup)


I look around at my life, at myself, and wonder why it is that I am so easily expendable, why I am even here - I bring nothing to the universe and I get nothing from it. I find happiness and I lose it - yet you go on and get repeated chances, evidently, at happiness.


I love you, and I do want you to be happy. But I also love myself, and I want to be happy and I deserve to be.

Just trying to figure out why I have to lose and she gets to win? Life isn't fair, it sucks and I hate being here.

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I was anxious and asked one of the six who knew and when I heard the answer, it passed through my burdening heart, I felt the lost of the heavy weight on my chest, I was able to breathe deeply and relaxed the moment those soft words spoken in front of me, but… the heavy burden on my heart remained.


When we got together, I just wanted us to be friends, no more, no less and no pretensions. As we got closer together, I got comfortable with you. The feeling that I can be with you all the time, the feeling that I can share my deepest thoughts, fears, dreams and desires and the feeling that I want to connect with you. No other women I met, even my mother, made me feel this way. I don’t know why I felt this and I can’t think of any reasons why.


I was light hearted when we go out together, I don’t know why, I can’t really think of any reasons how you made me this way. I felt my heart skip a beat when you sit right next to me and when you shout my name as if you never saw me for a long time. I was in ecstasy when I smell the wonderful fragrance of your hair while I put my arms on your shoulder whilst you wrap my waist with your arms. I have a feeling of relief when you rest your head on my shoulder and the times when you look at me checking if I was okay and if I am beside or following you. You made me speechless when you held my hands, get giddy with me and close to me; then I fell for you when you every time when you are with me. The longer I stay with you, the deeper I fell.


I couldn’t stop thinking of you before I sleep, I imagine your beautiful face and your smile wear down my problems, the stunning look of your eyes when you look through me as if you want something from me which makes my heart melt, the way you laugh and I find it cute, the way you scream even it hurts my ears but I didn’t mind the pain. My heart races when I think of you at night, thinking of what if, what if, what if.


When I am alone in our room or the times when you are not around with me, I felt the uneasiness on my skin. I keep thinking what makes me feel this way. But the feeling is lost when I saw you coming inside the room and sitting right beside me or when I am late in class and you reserved a chair for me beside you.


I wanted to say this to you before but I can’t because you had already someone in your heart, someone you trust dearly, someone you care, someone you gave your heart with and someone you are committed to. I know you really missed him, I felt that you want someone to love you like the love he gives, I felt that you want someone to fill in the void in your heart but I couldn’t. I have my respect on you and your relationship I couldn’t take advantage of it because I might impend your relationship with him and it is my standing principle not get in between. So I kept my feelings and desire to myself, trusting no one, telling no one because once it slips, there would be an issue between us that can ruin your relationship with him.


Suddenly someone entered the scene and courted you, but I didn’t mind it because you had your commitment with him. As time goes by, things change surprisingly. You broke-up with him. I had the urge to move but I should not haste and must wait because the wound on your heart is still fresh and I want you to recover from it. I wanted you to stand up again on the solid ground have a fresh start. Then you get closer and you’re falling to that someone but you assured me that you won’t. I got insecure because I haven’t told you the feelings I have for you and the thought of loosing you starts running in my head. I got bitter with that someone, he is trying to win my approval but I didn’t give any.


Things got worst on my part when I sensed that you fell for him. I got miserable and mad at myself not because you fell for him but the thought that I haven’t told you the things I must tell. Then on that day, on that moment, I felt the fight or flight urge. To tell you or not. I chose the former and made it awkward and wasn’t able to say exactly I wanted. That’s why I made this letter. I was hoping for things to turn back like before but it was late.


Days had passed and uncertain things running wildly to my mind. I badly wanted to talk to you and know how you feel after that day. I didn’t hope for the relationship bring it on to the next level, I just only wanted to know what you are thinking after that day and whether if it is mutual. No more, no less.


I’m writing this letter to let you know that I am sincerely happy for you to have someone new. I can’t get close to you like we usually do for the reason of uneasiness on the feeling. But this feeling will pass someday. Also, someday… someday… I can get close to you like before.


As we might not go out together like we used to, I will miss everything with you. I will terribly miss your friendship with me. That is what I really value from you. I will miss your smile, I will miss your touch in my arms, the wonderful smell of your hair, the smile that made my heart skip a beat, the cold hands that I sometimes touch, your text, I will miss the times that we eat our lunch together and teasing you that you can’t vegetables, I will miss the time when we study together, I will miss the times when we were together when we talk together, I will miss moments when we share our thoughts and secrets, I will miss the weight of your head on my shoulder, I will miss the sudden hug you give me on my back when you wanted a back ride, I will miss the hug you gave me on the soil lab, I will miss when we sang and danced together, I will miss your lovely voice, I will miss sitting beside you, I will really miss you!


I want to say thank you for everything you have done to me. I want to tell you that you change something in me. You made me connect to my soul, to my feeling, you made me express things I want to express even if it is late. You made me this. No other women made me this. Only you.

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I want so bad to answer the phone to you- or call you back- but I know I can't. And I know this is just making things bad for me. My anxiety has been through the roof. Last night all I could think about is how you were out having a fun time- with her- while I was in bed obsessing over it. And I can't talk to you today because I fear what you'll tell me- try to rub in my face your night with Clarissa. Just like you did with Vikki. The cycle stops NOW. Its done.

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Are we still friends? Did you post "Mike had a good weekend" on facebook? If you did, I know you're with someone. Did you have fun riding on your bike? Did you have fun chatting to skanks at the 21st? I keep on thinking I'll be a better person after all of this, like you'll regret losing me. You will never regret losing me. You just don't care. You don't even think of me. I'm nothing to you. Nothing. But I'm something to me. I can't stop loving you, even though I hate you so much. How could you discard me so readily? For Melanie? One day, someone will hurt you as badly as you hurt me. Maybe you'll think of me then?

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I want to call you so badly. Even though today I all but told you to get on with your life and leave me alone and stay out of mine. Told you I was done, wasn't doing this anymore and not to contact me. And that was the last I heard of you. And my GOD it hurts me. You didn't even try to fight for me- but I knew you wouldn't. I know your not going to call anymore- and I know its for the best, but I am still crushed. I just want this pain to go away =(

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You know, part of me thinks that you're right and that we aren't right for each other. But another part thinks why can't we try? And I miss you. I miss talking to you and telling you everything that's going on. Yesterday I left on my trip. Took the bus and made it to the correct destination. Would love to hear you tease me. I want you to text me so badly so I will know if you're thinking of me at all. I can't stop thinking of you and wondering about you. But I will not contact you. I'm having a good visit with family. Got to spend time with my nephews today. I watched Paranormal Activity with my sister tonight and I'm so sleeping with the light on... You wouldn't like the movie, very creepy. I'm up sooooo late, I bet you're in bed. I saw that you're on match again already. Was it really so easy to get over me? Are you hoping to meet someone better? I know I need to come to a place where I would hope you would, but right now I'm not there. I hope you find nobody and regret dumping me...

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Hi again. I just had another cry about you. I want to hate you for what you did to me, but I love everything about you.

That you don't think of me, that you've forgotten what we had and think you could have something better - that is the worst. But I still love you and want you back. Things could be different.

Please come back?

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Another holiday coming soon--I'd like to tell you who the real turkey is! Does it bother you that I won't be your friend anymore, after you admitted to loving me all these years and not having the guts to do anything abt it? T.S.! How dare you be so weak--when I've been so strong!


WOW! that felt good!

This thread was a great idea!

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I miss you. I had fun yesterday, but it would have been so much better if you were there. I really need you...I leave it to you to initiate conversations with me because it's easier that way. I wish we could just get back together again already But it won't happen yet. It'll be another year, at leastttt. Probably longer. But I love you. I hope you'll never forget me.

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