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what's with all the hate towards nice guys on the internet?


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There's definitely something in what you say, Symbolic. I'm not generally a fan of the Freudian, blame everything on a traumatic incident in childhood, school of psychology, but shyness/niceness do come from somewhere.



I somewhat agree. Psychology can be linked to almost anything. The color of your pillow somehow affects you in some way. To totally disregard your past seems dumb to me. Would someone rather say "oh yea..I was born a loser who cant get girls". If you thought like that then why even bother to improve yourself?


I think there is a difference between knowing WHY you are a certain way, vs letting the source of why...take over you and prevent you from breaking out of it once you know about it. Because anybody can change and work to change themselves. You can't let your past keep you down. But there is nothing wrong with admitting that yea..your past may have screwed you up.

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