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Hi. This is my first topic to post, and i normally just try to help but im like dieing. MY Boyfriend of a year just broke up with me because i cheated on him a second time. The 1st time i was drunk and he took me bck after a week. I was drunk this time also, but it went on for 3 weeks. Unlike the first time i didn't tell him he found out. Well we broke up, and ive been very suicidal since then. Ive been to the hospital once from blood loss and im on three anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and eating pills. I haven't eaten or slept in a week since we broke up. He's talking to me, but barely. Please help me figure out how to get over him or get him back before i do this to myself again. P.S. Im totally 100% in love with him and don't know why i did this to him again.

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Being drunk is not an excuse. I don't think there's a way for me to help you. If you know you get a little frisky when you drink, you should drink at home. This first and second incident were highly preventable. I'd highly recommend not killing yourself however, just learn from your mistake and move on.

You said you were 100% in love with him, but this has now happened twice. You're better off on your own until you can figure out why this happened twice, being drunk is not a valid excuse.

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You sound like you're very vulnerable right now. Take care of yourself, get counselling help or whatever it takes to help you get through this.


However, you simply cannot expect boyfriends to stick around if you cheat on them. I know everyone gets tempted now and then, but there is no excuse. You will never be able to have meaningful relationships with anyone until you say to yourself "it's time to grow up and stop cheating". Think of it as a positive step: it's time for you to re-claim your dignity.


Nobody in this forum can really help you until you choose to start acting responsibly. How are we meant to give meaningful advice if you won't even do your part and help yourself?


I agree with the above advice: just stay single until you can sort out your life. Work on being happy with yourself and getting through this tough time. You don't need boyfriend issues on top of all you're going through. Just spend time with family and friends.

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