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ive picked my date july 29th, my birthday

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hi ppl


i was really posting to say im gonna well, commit suicide on my 17th birthday. it was going to be my 18th as i was going to give life a chance, but nothing has happened in the past year and a lot of things are going to happen around my birthday that i dont think i am strong enough to go through it alone.


also what i was asking, whats the painless way to go?


im thinking of taking an aspiring to thin the blood, slice both veins on my wrists and then pass out of lack of blood, then die in my uncounsciousnes. will this work?



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come on love


don't judge yourself or your world by just what yousee. because there is much more to life than you may ever know.


don't like the world, don't kill it fix it.


don't like yourself, don't kill it transform and fix it.


change your veiw of yourself and you change your world.


if a negitive thought comes to mind then counteract it imedately with a more positive thought, blissfull thoughts will lead you to feeling blissfull, try it for 45 in which most habbits are engrained.


love you


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When we think of suicide it is often with the thoughts that they will all be sorry then.

Everyone has probelms, some severe and unending. This can lead you to thoughts of ending it all. Tp counteract this take the following practical advice.

List the problems in order of severity. They may be bullying, lack of personal relationships, no friends etc.

Now ask yourself If I do nothing at all, really nothing, to help myself, will any of these problems go away by themselves. Some of them will, just by getting older eg bullying at school has to end when you leave.

Now think of tiny things you can do to relieve the problems. It could be as simple as joining a club or group to meet some new people.

Try doing these small things. These small acts of empowerment may help you to get a grip on your life and reestablish some control.

Then move on to bigger things.

Its a long process but it does work.


Remember that depression and angst is common in young people, we do all grow and move away from this if we try. Talk to other people about how you feel.


If there are no @real@ reasons for tese feelings you may be sufferring from clinical derpression brought on by stress. Go and see your doctor who will be sympathetic and helpful.


Rememeber also that we are all on the planet for a relatively short time, dont shorten it any more . Your parents and friends would be heartbroken. You yourself would never realise your potential.

If you would like to talk about this more send me a private message.

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I think your advice is really good. I am not a believer in God myself but I do believe that faith can enrich ones life to an incredible degree.

If you have that faith then yes you are truly in touch wth God even if, as i believe God is the inner spirit that unites us all in our humanity.


With love



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Hey man, dont do it.


Think about what you would be throwing away, your future, your chance at life.

Your family wouldn't be the same without you. You gotta think this all through, there is always another solution. Tell somebody about your problems, get it all off your chest and then deal with it step by step.


Nothing will be solved by suicide and it would cause so much hurt for others.


Come back on here and tell us what the problems are and why you feel this way and we can all help you get through it.



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its just that i dotn seem to have anything left to live for.


ill try right down why i want to die but its harder writing it down than it is thinking about it.


well, i have no friends, im 16 and alone, and because of that i dont have a g/f and i keep getting pressuried by my family i have to go out more ect to get friends and a g/f. the more i stay in, the more i become mroe shy and scared of the outside world. In july (around 2 days b4 my b day) im getting de-placed from my job.


I sit and cry of a night, and sometimes during the day, anywhere i can hide away, my family does not know about this and for the past 4 months they think i have not been talking to them.


I dont understand why, ppl like me who enjoy staying in rather than going out get picked on, all my life i have been called ugly, sad, loner ect ect. ive never had a g/f and my dream is one day i may have a family, but i dont feel as that will be coming true.


I live a life of a lie, i blame ppl aorund me for the smallest mistakes, i cant uphold a conversatuion with anyone, and i get really frustrated when ppl try to cheer me up or keep talking to me, i just feel like punching them.

life cunfuses me and im scared of the future and what it will bring i dont understand why someone has everything while someone else has nothing. I have no believes so when i die i wont go to heaven or hell, im not scared of dieing.


I have no hobbies in life or dont go out to any clubs, i feel scared and paranoid why ppl looking at me i mainly sit in my room on my PC or listen to my music.


im pretty sad and lonly, no life . Ive started recently cutting my wrists as i feel this helps me release the pain.


well hopefully on my 17th birthday my woes will be gone, i am not leaving anyone behind, who would care? maybe my mum N dad and pl say its selfish if i kill myself and upset my family, arnt they being selfish for not letting me rest in peace?


i find very little things funny now as all i got on my mind is death im scared to tell anyone about this for several reasons, for a start they wouldnt beleave me anyway, if they did and i did get help it wouldnt help my social life. my life sux and im scared. Im scared of what will (not) happen in the future and im pressurized to do anything.


Im clumsy and forgetful and have no joy.


i know ur gonna say stuff like "get out" "make some friends" "go talk to someone" ect


but the answer to all of the questions are above or the fact is im Scared and ive been through life alone, and im scared i will always stay alive alone also i dont have no confidence left to do anything....




well thats all i can think of at the moment, and sorry its a little patchy as im writing of the top of me head.



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It seems like a classic case of depression.


A very simple thing you might want to try is, work out, or do some sport - you can do it by yourself, i.e. just working out, or going for a run, swimming... stuff like that.

because being active in that way, releases chemicals in your brain, which make you feel good. Give that a try...

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Dearest Toggle


Thank you for setting out in more detail what your problems are.

Please don't think that any of these are insurmountable problems. It seems as though you are suffering from a mild form of depression where you feel detached from the reality of the wold and are gradually withdrawing from it. Attempts to pull you back in make you angry and cause you to hide away even more.

You say that you know we will say go out and meet people. It would be a good idea but meet the right people. You need people who are quiet and sensistive, who will understand and respect your feelings.

I would like you to try perhaps going out once a week to a quiet place, perhaps the park or the library to study, try being with people without having to interact with them. Observe the world around you and keep a diary of things that are good, like kids playing and laughing, or old people still togther after 40 years or beautiful natural things like a sunset or rain sparkling on the pavement. These things may make you feel sad but they are all out there for you to experience.

Try to channel some positive feelings. Try evalauting your appearance, you say you are ugly, Im sure you are not. However if you don't like your looks try a small change here and there to improve your self image, a new hairstyle, or clothes can make you feel great.

Practise talking to people to make interaction with them less painful. Do this alone and then it will feel easier when you do meet people.

Find a persoanl mantra and repeat it to yourself several times a day especially at the start of your day. Mine used to be Young Strong and beautiful because i didnt feel I was any of those things. Now I believe that I am.

Find a special object, a small one, and take it with you always. Tell yourself that nothing bad can happen to you while you carry this. Hold it while you say your mantra. Mine is a stone I found on the beach when I was 15 after my mother died. I have it still and it goes with me always.

Smile as often as you can. Smiling releases endomorphins into the body and is a natural high. Even if you don't feel happy you will look happy and that helps others to relate to you. Over a period of time it will also make you feel happier.


Finally remember that we are all here for you and will help you all we can. Don't give up on yourself because I for one am not going to give up on you.


With Love

Nenez xxx

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thankyou nenez


somehow you have made my life a little clearer already.

for once, in a long time, i smiled while reading your article.


the problem is is the fact i want to have friends

but i cant go up to complete stranger and ask to be my friend, and i dont want to go to any clubs.

i cant seem to fins anyone in this world that suits me, that needs someone like me though

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Dearest toggle

Its not an easy or a quick process I know but it can be done.

Going to cluds and stuff like that is a bit overwhelming and you cant talk to people so its hard to meet anyway.

Try places where people do the kind of thing you like to do.

And don't worry about your job, there is always work for people who want to do it (unless you are in liverpool in 1979)

Remember, you have a whole life to get this right, not just two or three weeks.

And on your birthday dont be sad because i will be wishing you a happy day.

I have a lot of friends in Essex , its a cool place to be. There is lots going on, you will find your place. I have every confidence in you.


With Love

Nenez xxx

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If you want to make friends and get a girlfriend i can help you. First you need to find something you like to do, as nenez said you can do something like go to the library and study.


You can meet people anywhere and as you visit the place more people will begin to recognize you. Eventually they will say stuff like: "Hey, i saw you here last week, hows it going?"


From situations like this you can easily get into conversations, talk about simple stuff to begin with, what you like, why you like to visit this place, ask the other person questions.


Remember, you can talk to anyone, im sure if you visit the library or wherever the person on the desk will recognize you soon enough. Just be friendly to people and they will be friendly back.


Girlfriends are just an advance on friends, you meet somebody you like and you make then think about you - thats the trick. Take something with you when you go out, this can be anything from a dog to a newspaper, as long as it is remotely interesting. Talk about it, why you like it, how long you have had it. Remember that the focus should be on the other person though, ask them questions about what there likes and dislkines are, what they do in their free time, stuff like that. Tehy will remember you and then you can ask them if they would like to go for some lunch with you or something! (You dont have to do this straight away, build your confidence until you are ready)


I hope this helps, im glad things are clearer now.

If you need more advice then post on here on PM me.



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hi toggle...


i know how you're feeling right now.. ive felt that way before. i wanted ot kill myself 2 years ago because life was becoming soo absolutely miserable.. and intolerable.

but, as you can see im still here

im soo unbelievably happy right now.. i know times are hard for you right now, but dont give in.. i know that you've probably heard so many people say never give up and you shoudln't. i'm 14... soon to be 15. i have a whole in front of me and i can do what i want with it. so can you. you can do what ever you feel like doing... but dont do this. think of your life.. think of yourself... do you really want to be rermembered as the one that offed yourself? ppl wont want to talk about you b/c of your death.. they wont say "hey, remember when..." or nething like that. there wont be that happy memory. nothing. so think about it... b/c this too shall pass. it worked for me.. im still here. and HAPPY. you can be too.

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I've thought about and attempted suicide in the past but now I realize nothing is worth it...

Things will get better.


Here's a poem my friend gave me The last time I attempted suicide.. Read it and think about it.. If you commit suicide you are taking the easy way out.. Where as the people left behind have to deal with your problems that you are running from.






I must admit that I have often

Thought of leaving it all behind

and letting everything go.


I feel so lost and alone, as I

always am.

So many people around, yet

no-one seems to care.


They say they understand and

Love me.

But just when I trust to love

they forget and move on.


I hold the knife so close

as tears, mixed with blood

begin to slowly fall

Like a foolish child, I Cry


Knowing that I could end it

all now makes my mind draw

a blank.


I put the knife away and try to

wipe the blood that's running

faster then I can describe


I know suicide isn't the answer i'm

looking for. I know there's a reason

for me being alone.


So many bad things happening at once

Making you forget about the good

qualities of life.


Even though life is hard, and trouble

is an inevitable part of it.


If you decide to leave it all behind,

Maybe you will

But I guarantee that others your mistake

will haunt.



If you ever need anyone to talk to PM me.. I will listen..


-Mythical Suicide-

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Its deff. not worth it. 1st off slicing your wrists hurts like a bi*ch So dont try it. It wont work even with asprin in you, Best that will happen is ur paretns will find you youll be unconscious, you'll go to the hospital stick ivs in you and then you get to go live in a mental hospital. Its not fun. So dont risk it. Once you've gotten to the bottom the only direction to go is up.

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ive yet to attempt that route so i cant give you the answer and me being me my conscience wouldnt tell you sorry.

i kow things seem to be tough and i dont know what it is around that date that seems to be making thnigs a whole lot harder but i dont think you can really put a deadline or a limit on when something positive may happen. i know a year is an extensive amount of time but time isnt the object its if it happens or not and half the time you need to make something positive happen yourself.


i suppose things would have helped if i knew the reason why you wanted to commit suicide but i only read the first few posts and didnt see your name.

im not going to say life is worth while because maybe mine is or someone elses and yours might not be in your eyes, we all have different opinions. but the one thing i know is that you arent alone, and if you need any help then you can pm me if you want. but i just thought id open a door to what you might have thought was closed.



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There is not really much i can do. I feel as though i have been separated for so long from ppl i have lost all my charisma and life.


im not a kind of person that enjoys going to a nightclub every friday night, getting drunk ect. i prefer to stay in, but unfortunately the worlds society has terrible judgments about ppl like me.


to be honest, i dont get life.

I used to "think" that i was a kind of good looking guy, with a nice personality who shows huge amounts of affection and love, in my life i wanted to get into a stable relationship and get married, kids house ect.

but all the ppl around me are different, they laugh at me when i mention soething like "i want a relationship with commitment".


maybe someone out there can answer me this: why do all the females are attractied to males who steal/take drugs/about 10 years older than them/evil to everyone aorund them/and usualy treat the girls like a piece of *beep*.


this is my view of relationships at my age and i am very confused


i know when im older things will change, but im never going to meet anyone, im to alone to go out and meet ppl and seriously am i going to find the women of my dreams in a library?????

im an outcast everwhere i go and i make a effort to involve but i just get regicted.

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Dear toggle

I met the man of my dreams at a hospital. We were both visiting sick relatives.

The unfortunate fact is you can never tell where you are going to meet people but the more you go out the more chances you have.

The libraray idea is to get you out into a non threatening place. Try an internet cafe if that suits you better or some other low key social space.

Above all women do want a serious commitment from a guy but maybe not at this age. Its hard to imagine meeting the love of your life at 16 and staying together for ever although I know it does happen.

If you focus on making friends of both sexes, people who share some of your ideas on life , the girlfriend thing will start to happen by itself.

Everybody of your age is looking, seeking, trying out relationships so it will happen.

Trust me

Im glad to see that you seem much more positive.

Keep it up

With Love

Nenez x

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Hi again toggle, i wonder if i could draw your attention to a song that may help. I know its unusual to suggest a song but the lyrics are really thought provoking and could prove to be useful to you.


It is called Everybody Hurts and is by a band called REM.


When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,

When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on.

Don't let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.


Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along.

When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)

If you feel like letting go, (hold on)

When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on.


Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.

Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand.

If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone


If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,

When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on.


Well, everybody hurts sometimes,

Everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.

And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.

Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. (repeat & fade)

(Everybody hurts. You are not alone.)



The key message in this song is to hold on, dont let go, you have everything to live for.



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thank you abcd


i listen to music while i walk and some of the songs i can feel as though i can relate to them, or that may sound really weird


but i got good news,





its in the same place im working at the moment.


i guess what dont help with my "depression" as people say i got in here is the fact i work with hundreds of children like this everyday as i work in social services, what do u think?

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I dont know about that, i guess it could get you down, hearing all of their worries and helping them deal with them as well as your own troubles.


But, im sure that you can relate to a lot of children in a way that can help you.


Congratulations on the interview, im sure that you will do great!


Its not weird being able to relate to songs, most artists are influenced by events that happen in life so it can be quite easy for a song to mean something to a person.



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