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why do guys like long legs

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To be honest with you...Really, It all depends on the person (guy), I sense that Your looking at this from one angle that being that every "man looks for ONLY tall women". and "men only like tall women" so not true...it's like this.


Every guy has different taste in the physical aspect of a women. I think if a man looks for whatever is going to meet his "standards" same for women as well, they will both have a better idea of what they want, and everyone sets these early on when looking for someone to be with, short or tall, hair color, eye color..etc some of these things just don't matter to some people, but in retrospect some of them do. (it's all what you want)


I'm 6'5 and yes i like a women with long legs, b/c i have them too ..but sometimes a short women can catch my eye just as quick as a taller one..I'm not *Too* picky, although i can be with other things such as personality.

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Well, i dont think that can b totally true, as most ppl I know like girls who r the same height as them or smaller, so thereforeeee hav smaller legs.


I like girls who r smaller than me (5"10), and my ex was just under 5 foot. Every girl ive fancied has been the same height as me or smaller.

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most things which are physically attractive are signs of fertility and the ability to raise a child healthily (part of evolution). the size of women's breasts determine the amount of milk they can carry. their legs determine the fat levels and the attractive legs are the ones with suitable levels to bear a child.


this is why physically fit men may be more appealing to women as well (naturally, males were supposed to go out and hunt and take care of business, so the more physically fit a male is, the better he can provide for his females and children.) recessive hairlines, baldness and hairy bodies are the signs of abundantly high testosterone levels, so some women may find this attractive, some might not.

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