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Need Desperate Advise!! 22-38 Please read 911

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Hi! I am really, really desperate for some advise in my crazy life. I have been "dating" a married man for over 4 years now. He is 15 years older than me and he's been married for over 17 years. He tells me that he loves me and that I am everything in his life, and bla, bla, bla. He is a very "religious" person, I know this sounds weird being that he is going out w/ me. And he tells me that we need to wait for God to get us together and bla, bla more. I really love this guy he is the world to me but at this point in time I am very frustrated with the fact that our relationship is going nowhere, but I feel that I cannot live w/out him. Last week his "wify" sent me an email, telling me to leave him alone and that they have started all over and that they have sex everyday. When I showed it to him he said that is not true and that he does not touch her. He tells me he is still married 'cause he wants to do things right with me and he asked me to wait for him one more year, but without seeing him or calling him, and not dating someone else. He is the only man I have been sexually involve with in the past three years and I am the type of person that needs to have sex at least once a week, and waiting for a year sounds just outreagous to me. I really love him and I think that we might have a future, but I sometimes feel he is not 100% honest with me. What do i do? Should I wait for him? Do you think he is lying to me?

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Hi there,


Wow, this has to be painful. First of all, you say he is a very "religious" person, yet he is committing adultery. He wants you to wait a year and not see anyone else, yet he's probably still sleeping with his wife. I know the truth hurts, but that's the way it is. This guy is not worth it! You may think you love him, but there are plenty of available men without baggage. He's selfish and he's a cheater. What makes you think he won't do the same thing to you in the future. Think about it!

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Even if you actually did wait a year for him, it's very unlikely that anything's going to change. First of all, you've been seeing him for 4 years, his wife knows about you and she hasn't kicked him out the door. He obviously has a very cushy arrangement. He gets to have his misstress (I'm sorry if it sounds harsh, but that's what you are to him), AND save face in front of his friends and family by having a wife who is trying to work things out with him. When he says he's religious and giving you the "waiting til God puts us together" line- he's just trying to have his cake and eat it too. He wants you as his "on the side" girlfriend- and wants to stay married. I don't think he has any intention of changing his current arrangement.

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