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What do you guys think of this idea?


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So I wanted to make some extra money to prepare to learn my cisco certification. I am very good with computers and I was thinking of giving basic computer lessons to people for a fee obviously.


What do you guys think would be a good price. I was thinking I could either go to someones home or they could come to my house.


I was thinking of just saying "basic computer lessons" or something like that. I know there a lot of elderly people out there that need help and would like to learn how to communicate with their families other than using snail mail. (i know my grandfather hates computers).


Anyway, what do you guys think?

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I was a system admin for a learning center while I was in college. We helped people that were on unemployment and disability get computer skills so they could get back into the workforce. We held hour long classes on subjects like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc and we charged $30, I think.


Not sure if that helps you out, but thought I'd give you my 2 cents.

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if you are barely learning, i wouldn't put yourself out there as a consultant. i would try and find a shop to get more experience and work with others so you can tackle harder problems. chances are, you won't be doing basic calls.


but if you set up basic seminars and went out to group homes and such, then i'd do a flat fee. do what is worth your time.

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A lot of places (community centers, senior centers, libraries) offer this service for free.


Also, even if you know what you are talking about, do you have the skills to communicate it to others? That is a whole different skill set than knowing a lot about computers.


I would start by investigating what is already offered in your community, and what the going rate is.

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if you are barely learning, i wouldn't put yourself out there as a consultant. i would try and find a shop to get more experience and work with others so you can tackle harder problems. chances are, you won't be doing basic calls.


but if you set up basic seminars and went out to group homes and such, then i'd do a flat fee. do what is worth your time.


Lol where did i say i was barely learning?

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