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Question for women: climbing the friendship ladder

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It is often stated that guys have a more blurred line between female friends and lovers than women do. According to this belief, women are more prone to keep friends and lovers apart, and men generally see no problem with a female friend becoming his lover. I can relate to this thinking personally, for example.


So, if you believe this is true, how can a guy climb the ladder and go from friend to lover? As the placing of this topic also suggests, this concerns mostly ex-relationships, where there has once existed mutual attraction.

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something funny,


For me, I guess it's been something I don't do if I'm with a guy, but ironically, it's usually how I meet the guy in the first place. Some women prefer not to start off as friends, but I like it because you definitely get to know the guy very well (and he, you) in a relaxed way--no pressure, no dating or relationship worries--for me it's been this amazing way to see nature take its course.


If the chemistry is there, and the potential for something more, and the timing okay--well, presto. You've climbed/jumped/thrown out the ladders.


The opposite is true, though, if I have a boyfriend. Then, I usually keep friendships and relationships very separate--because I'm happy with the person I'm with. I'm not one to believe there is "one" person for anybody, so it's not to say that if things with the boyfriend went awry, none of my guy mates would have a chance--I'm just very monogamous

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