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Tell me how 2 die no how 2 live

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i am not saying that you have no reason to do it and im not nescassarilly trying to stop you as at the edn its your choice whether you end your life. but really suicide is the easy way out.

express your feeling. if sadness tell people. if anger, let it out.


and you mention that ppl hate you il ltell you something im hated throughout my school as im a)a northener b) i dont smoke or do drugs and i simply igmore the comments.

People can be evil in ways that they say things and half the time these are the sad asswipes that i wish would just drop off the earth as they are useless in life they crisitse others not thinking what i can do to them whether its mental/physical bullying they dont realise till its too late.


all im saying is that you should seriously consuder it before you do and i mean consider not just say "sod life".


if you dont do it (which i hope to get you to do), then later in life you could look back when angry/sad/alone etc and think "god, look what i nearly did" and then you will be the strong one for avoiding it and you will be the one further up the ladder of sucess when all the idiots are no-body's and calling people things still rekonig its funny.

you could also consider somekind of psyciatrist if you do feel you have no one to share your thoughts with.


hope i helped



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just saying that you have most of your life ahead of you.

your practiacally the same age as me and you mention beting at home?

you can go in confidence to places like social services or maybe anothwer relative?

and like in my last post: you will come out of it stronger if you avoid it.

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Hi. How are you? Remember what I last told you in our last conversation? I hope that you're okay for now. Remember what I said about your mom. I know a little bit about your situation, and I see that you are a 'nice' kid. Just confused about life. It's 'normal' to feel that way, especially for your age. Don't let others get you down okay? You're english is fine. Remember how you told me that you like to write? Well, instead of playing video games, escape into your emotions, by journalling your thoughts out...You mentioned interest in mythology. So do so. Whatever it is, jot your emotions down. Jot your feelings down. Become the wonderful writer that you intend to be. Reach for your goals. Don't give into your saddness. Remember what I said?


If anything, you can PM me again. And if necessary, I'll give you a 'pep' talk again okay? And don't forget to hug your mom like I mentioned the last time. Family's all that you got. So, cherish them. Talk to her. Every ounce of affection that you guys share, will be more of a heart-warming experience for the both of you. Treasure her love for you. Even though she doesn't express herself right at times, she does love you. Just know that k? It's tough for both you and your parents to understand each other, especially during your 'teenage' years, despite the 'peer' pressure and bullying that happens at school. Don't let anyone take the last of part of you, your personal integrity. Take Care. You will be okay. You have a lot wonderful experiences in life, that's waiting to happen. Don't let anyone or anything hinder you, in your persuit of happiness, dreams, and life goals. Don't shut that door. I know that you will pull through. Make your sadness your tensile strength. Cheer up k?




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its likely that what you have put is right to a degree, but to some its what little of the world they see, and what they apprehend that gives them the reason for wanting to commit suicide, just because you see an age of 15 does not make them incapable of the action or the emotions and reasoning behind this, its often that a 15 year old has a greater grip and understanding of what they are going into than that of an older person.


you shouldnt truly judge by age, because lifes experiances and a persons emotions are completely different from one to another, making your post accurate but without emotion.


still, kel

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Kel hit it right on. That was very caring, and well though out Kel. I kinda know Dragonslayer's situation personally, and he's a nice kid. He's been through a lot. A loss of a bestfriend. He's been a great person, but I see that he's being picked on, and bullied one too many times. Unfortunately, even in places in which he seeks comfort in.


Kel's also right, in the fact that she mentions

its often that a 15 year old has a greater grip and understanding of what they are going into than that of an older person.
That's so true. A part of it has a lot to do with 'personal' experiences, in which some adults will not experience as much, in their entire lives. Some children witness being raped as young as 3, molested periodically throughout their childhood, battered and beaten by their parent's spouse. While at the same time, they also have to face other saddnesses: such as their parent committing suicide, leaving them at an early age, home invasions, gang-violence, people selling crack cocaine in their mail-boxes, car-accidents that leave them 1st-2nd degree burns. Yes. I know one personally, and it's been a challenge to survive throughout all of that trauma. Some people just have it luckier than others.


So, a 15 year old, can have it just as bad as anyone older than them, if not, even worse. So, they do have reasoning behind their actions. If it's their last resort to turn to suicide, then that means that they've just had enough. More than they can handle, especially being that young. That's why, I congradulate Dragonslayer for looking for help. I unerstand you. I see where you're coming from. You are doing a great job for holding on. Life's tough, but hang in there pal.


Much Luv,


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man, dont, if u havent already, life will only get better, it feels like u've hit drop bottom but just think about it, u wont get out of the situation that your in unless u try to aviod these situations, tell your parents that u'll run away or sumthin, and if U ABSOLUTLEY feel u need to do just that, i say do it, change ur life, and if ur parents care about u they will send out ppl to find you, then u would know they care about you, confront the people at ur school, do watever u can to NOT KILL YOURSELF. my sisters friends sister killed herself and now there whole family is *beep*ed up so dont make this happen to u.


man, just try not to do it... i read all of wat u said and it sounds pretty rough, but, u can make it better

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now...theres not an awful amount I can do I suffer it too I am not AS much into killing myself more into hurting myself and bringing pain...I didnt have time to read through all of this but by what they have replied about it says to me people do care they wouldnt reply otherwise they did reply cause you needed help and they were there beside you. I dont know exactly every little thing about you but you do matter to the world to me and to alot of people without you it just wouldnt be the same and for 1 thing I dont want you to go, you have a life ahead of you , you can travel accross the world and meet new friends in other countries, get married and everything...My parents have a problem with favouring and I dont like it either man...


You are an important person you might not no what makes you important but you do matter and you do have friends out there...and I will support that factor...please dont go through this you have so much ahead of you more than ever. Your best years to come will be soon and before you know it you will love it, are you willing to throw that all away?


we all at enotalone want you here, your parents may say that but I am very very sure that if you were to pass on they would be crying and crying, I also know that even though Ia m on the otherside of the world I would be hurt and I would cry. What you end up doing will be the write way for you but think about all those peopel who would be hurt by it.


Please look out there keep your chin up and explore lifes mysteries the best awaits for you, if you would like to contact me please do so at email removed we can catch up and become good friends and later on I can meet you...we are all here for you bro


take care and have fun xxx,


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well at school everything has been going gud i wanna thanx every for their help here...i thought no1 cared until i met this girl when i told her that i wanted to commit sudcide she just broke down and started crying right on the fone and well ever since then i been feeling alot more cared for thanx every1 for their help 2day on this site

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I was talking 2 my gfs friend and she said that she doesnt love me and she never has she was only using me to get to some1 else all i think about now is suicide again...so ya iam just sad and i dont really wanna live anymore if there are any nice ppl in this world please say sumthing

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all i can say about that girl, is the fact that you shouldnt let her get to you, unfortunatley you were in love with someone who was fictional and the real person was only using you, this shows that the person you actually liked may have deserved you, but thats not who she was. i know the whole rejection is hard but your not alone, its something i guess the majority of us experiance more the once. im not going to say time heals all, because lets face it we could die before then since no one has put a limit on it, but i wuld empower yourself and prove to people that you can move on.



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i see something. you found love with this girl. now you might loose it and it hurting you badly inside?


well here is a trick. learn to love others more then just your girlfriend.


i know because i feel until i yhad my first girlfriend at 18 yrs i dint know "love" . it hurt so bad when we broke up i was in agony.


here i was , i found this thing i been waiting for probably since he gave me breath, then wow its going to be taken away from me?


love was so right, all i seemed to want. knowing she was there for me, and i was for her.


well now i am older and more wiser. if i can only learn to love strangers, friends, parents, etc. see the deep love we have with girlfriend can be with everyone, its meant to be very deep caring for all


yes they will upset me at times, but i will learn to forgive them as i need them to forgive me.


if you loose this girl my friend, it will hurt yes. but why should we be negativ about it all?


if it girl i love ...then i fight for her. and i be wise and know when to fight and when to lay low.


if her mom doenst want you to be togther then you can try to win her over. be kind to her, open your heart to her. its very hard to resis kindness.


if she still not want u with her daughter then try to respect her wishes. no matter what man. always try to take care of girl first, make sure she ok. make sure she knows you care about her, and want to be her friend.



cya , jason


hit me up on aim if u need more advice


AIM = jasonelzic

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dragon slayer i want to tell you summit


The thing that only keep me alive latley is because i am tryning not to worry what is or is not happening in my life at the moment, I know its hard not to think or to dwell in the past of what has/has not happened but i find the only way i can stop myself from suicide is to think into the future.


I believe in fate so i hope one day, that special event is going to happen.


My dream is to have a loving wife, kids, house, car and stable income and thats all what keeps me going, The future.


So im giving life one more final chance, and i think you should to.


the saysing "everyone needs a second chance" why cant life have one to?

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