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Finally connect with someone and they get away before you have a chance to get thier number


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I finally connect with someone after being single for the last 10 months and have an amazing conversation for about 45 minutes and connected on so many levels with this girl last night...something that I have not had with so many girls over this time and it actually shocked me, because I didnt think something like this existed anymore...not to mention she was absolutely beautiful...The only thing is her friend grabbed her and she took off into the night before I had a chance to get her number and will probably never get the see this girl again to get it......you think you FINALLY meet someone only to watch them walk away never to see them again.

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Next time get the number sooner. We live and learn. This happens to a lot of guys. It's happen to me 3 times in the last few months.. I kick myself every time I tell myself I am going to quit drinking. Go back the place a few times, she may be there.

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  • 1 month later...

UPDATE!! So I am at the bar ordering a drink, drunk out of my mind about one in the morning Saturday night, turn my head, and this girl is standing right next to me at the bar..I drunkingly ask her if her name is so and so and she gets this big smile on her face and says "You remember me!" I start telling her how I wanted to get her number the last time and she asks me if I wanted to go outside...so we go outside of the bar and talk for about a half hour. The cool thing is she remembered me, she remembered our last conversation, she even remembered little details about us from that night over a month later..


This time I made it a point to get HER NUMBER talk for about a half hour and by that time her friends were leaving, what is even cooler is it took multiple friends, multiple times, in a span of about 15 minutes to get her to leave me...I could tell she didnt want to go and wanted to stay and talk to me and even when she left she gave me a hug..


So obviously I am pretty much stoked...the only thing is I was SO DRUNK that I do not remember everything about our conversation....


Now the question is...when do I call her???? I am actually kind of nervous (good thing, havent felt like this about calling a girl in long time) ..I wanted to call her last night but thought that was a tad to soon..Do I call her tonight or should I give it another day or two????????????????????????????????????????

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OMG!! Yes, I just typed it...if you are interested, call her. I am not too stupid to think that calling at the wrong time or saying something too early can cause a bad impression, because I have had it happen (girl calling me, being too clingy in the beginning and I just felt like it was too much too soon).


However, I don't think the next day is too long, expecially after not seeing her for a month AND she was happy you remembered her.

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Wow...I dont know what happened but I called her tonight and said hi and the conversation was a little arkward and for some weird reason I was really nervous cause I really liked her. I didnt know exactly how to start the conversation so for some dumb reason I tried to explain how drunk I was when I saw her so after about 2 minutes of my nervous blabbering she asked me a question about my day and then the phone hung up. I thought I may have hit the end button on my phones touch screen so I tried to call back right away and it immediately went to voicemail with no rings. I thought she may have been trying to call me back at the same time so I waited a minute and tried calling again and it went to voicemail again with no rings....so I waited a couple minutes and called and it went straight to voicemail meaning her phone must have been shut off so I left a message something like "Hey I just got this new phone with a touchscreen I may have accidentally hung up on you, give me a call back when you get a chance".....So Anyways I DIDNT get a call back? What the heck? I hope I didnt weird her out by beginning the conversation talking about how drunk I was???


I dont know what to think here.....kind of stunned I guess....any way to save this sad situation?


Would it be weird to send a text tomorrow that says "Hi, don't know if we got disconnected or what but was going to let you know that I think you are a beautifull, intelligent, very cool person and thought we clicked and wanted to see if you would like to hangout sometime??? If so what else should I do???

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Well, that's not a bad sign, since if she was writing you off she wouldn't have bothered to send that text.


I would just laugh it off and text her that you'll give her a call again later. Don't leave the ball in her court. Call her about the same time you already did, and just try to remember that she's only one girl. She likes you a bit already, nothing to be nervous about.


If she doesn't pick up, leave a message. If she doesn't call back, write her off. Not much else you can do after that.

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Well, that's not a bad sign, since if she was writing you off she wouldn't have bothered to send that text.


I would just laugh it off and text her that you'll give her a call again later. Don't leave the ball in her court. Call her about the same time you already did, and just try to remember that she's only one girl. She likes you a bit already, nothing to be nervous about.


If she doesn't pick up, leave a message. If she doesn't call back, write her off. Not much else you can do after that.


Thanks for the advice...


I think I should text her back soon here....would it be weird to text her back saying something like "It happens...was going to tell you I enjoyed talking with you and learning a little more about you and want to learn more. Wanted to see if you would like to hang out sometime?"



Any more opinions?

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So I just woke up today with a text message from her saying she is sorry that her phone died on me last night........how should I respond?


So would it be dumb to text her this.. instead of calling? I know I am kind of arkwad.


chill out man. you are getting waaaaay too ahead of yourself.



respond by text, 'yeah right. you're just mean. haha, jk. it's all good. hit me up when you get a chance.'

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i agree with ghost. a woman loves a bit of sarcasm and sense of humor. great way to start a conversation. make sure at the end of the sarcasm you put in a smiley face or a JK, to make sure she knows you were kiddin. sometimes text messaging gets confusing. Try to keep the messaging to a minimum and if your going to ask her out, do it via phone. Dont be so nervous or your gonna blow it.

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Thanks for the advice...


I think I should text her back soon here....would it be weird to text her back saying something like "It happens...was going to tell you I enjoyed talking with you and learning a little more about you and want to learn more. Wanted to see if you would like to hang out sometime?"



Any more opinions?


So I text her this this afternoon and a couple hours later she responds with two words "sure would"...sooo I know I have to call her..but do i respond tonight..tomorrow? How should I work this and make sure the call isn't awkward?????....should i make a bigt date or just ask if she wants to grab a drink...WOW..I am never this freaking arkward or nervous about doing these things with girls, but for some reason I am about this girl, I wonder why?

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So I text her this this afternoon and a couple hours later she responds with two words "sure would"...sooo I know I have to call her..but do i respond tonight..tomorrow? How should I work this and make sure the call isn't awkward?????....should i make a bigt date or just ask if she wants to grab a drink...WOW..I am never this freaking arkward or nervous about doing these things with girls, but for some reason I am about this girl, I wonder why?


just kick back and get something quick before a big date...hit a movie, the park, a walk, the beach, the mall, just hang out for a bit dont be on her nuts to soon lol that would be my apporach

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