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Switch Off?

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What do you mean by switch off? Do you mean they switch the role of who stays at home while the other works? I wouldn't imagine it being hard if that's what you're talking about... I'm a single mother and work full time, I can only imagine if I lived with my bf and he was staying home and we switched, that nothing would really change or there would be no problem in transition... Sorry if I didn't get your question right...


I do have friends that have both people working and in order to save on child care the father works at night so there's no child care involved at all. I also have friends who both work and their child is in before and after school care until one gets off and picks her up.

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Well, my daughter is 2 year old, I find great difficulty in trust other. Daycare is usually $1000 a month here where I live and that is too much, I would be working just to put her in the daycare. Yes switch off as in one works one watch the child then switch off roles. I think it's fair.


How many hours do both work?

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