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Am I just an emotional wreck?

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Basically, where do I start. I finished with my girlfriend just over a year ago now, she met someone else straight away and has been with him since, I have had sexual relations with a few women but no serious relationship for me. The thing is, I bumped into her the other day, and I was just a wreck. I thought I was over her, but I froze and was shaking with fear. Her life is going so well, I should feel happy for her but I don't. I know it is selfish, but my life seems so bad It annoys me that she is enjoying it. She speaks to me so freely as if we never had anything gfoing in the past, as though we were just old friends.

On top of this, I seem to fail completely when it comes to finding myself another person. I was asked out a few weeks back by someone, I reallyl iked her, but said no! I don't even know why, but since then she has now met someone and they are datinfg and getting on fine, I missed my chance and I'm so angry with myself, why did I turn her down in the first place. I have since sms her but she basically told me off and said she was with someone now, along with the usual bs stuff of we are 'friends' blah blah blah. What am I doing? Clearly, I am not over my ex, I hate her still (another clear sign I am not over her), but at the same time she hurt me so badly why do I feel like I need her? I'm such an idiot, and I don't even know what i'm asking for in response from youl ot, but someone somewhere must understand my predicament, so please lend me a hand.


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There is a French Proverb that says..."The only one who can heal your wound, is the person who created it." This is meant especially for relationships...I have been without my ex for 1 month, and all i feel is hate for her...i know i don't ever want her back because of what she did to me...but i cant help but miss the old her...my best advice is to find another good long-term relationship...because most likely the new girl will care for you a lot and will make you forget about your ex....i think the pain of your last g/f doesn't end until the beginning of your new one...i dunno...good luck

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