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Looking for work

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On July 17 I quit my job at the YMCA. I had worked there for more than three years. I worked in the school age child care area and also the fitness center. I have an Associate''s Degree in Technical Communication, but I only have months experience as an Intern, and finding work in that field seems difficult.


On the 23rd applied for another fitness attendant position at the Rec center in a nearby city. I called them and left a message for the guy the following Sunday to make sure he got my app and whatnot. I figure it would be a decent part time job in a field I already have experience in. He called me back last Monday and said he would have the city fax over my app to him. I told him I could work basically any hours and he seemed interested. Is it normal for a place like this not to have called back by now? I'm getting antsy but I don't want to call them again. I remember the Y took like a month to hire me for some reason but I don't know if I can last that long here!

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Look elsewhere in the meantime, don't just sit waiting for this guy.


You should call him too, he's had a full week and theres nowt wrong with being eager.


Well today I actually contacted the executive director via email. What happened was I was on the city's site today trying to make sure the apps had my phone number and e-mail because I think they are not in my resume. I know they did but U was trying to double check. What happened is I was trying to see a blank app and accidentally applied for another job at the rec center. I sent him an e-mail and told him I was sorry to bother him but I would appreciate it if the fitness director disregarded my app for the second position because I sent it by accident. I said I would appreciate it if the fitness director would call me with any farther question etc.


That's actually why I'm not sure about calling them. This was just maybe two hours ago. But I don't know...the things is the job had been up for like wks when I finally saw it and applied for it. The guy sounded interested on the phone last week and I was really hoping he'd call. I've still been applying at a few places but it's difficult because I can't really find full-time work and I really don't want to work retail.


Not working sucks HARD.

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Maybe an email in a couple of days would be better, just to ask if there is any news on the position and if its still open etc.


Yeah, unfortunately you can't contact the fitness guy. You can only email the ED. But that might not be a bad idea (even though I emailed him today


It's just been really tough for me. The Y was the only job I've ever had outside of a 6 month internship for Tech. Comm. I was hired at Kroger in produce a few days after I quit the Y but I decided not to go through with it because I thought I would be miserable working there. The day after orientation I wrote the lady a note saying I wanted to move on. Now I kind of regret that (I knew I would.) My friend who still works at the Y is now going to be doing produce at Kroger, lol. He had his interview drug test yesterday.


I just hate sitting here applying to places. I popped my tire today on my car too. I'm the kind of guy who likes to go out with friends and stuff so it sucks just sitting at home wondering what to do next and not being able to spend any money. It seems like my degree is useless too.

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Yeah you should of stayed in your job at the Y while applying for others so that you could move on immediately.


But honestly, eventually you will find someone, just apply your butt off to places. Don't feel disheartened of this one falls through.

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Yeah you should of stayed in your job at the Y while applying for others so that you could move on immediately.


But honestly, eventually you will find someone, just apply your butt off to places. Don't feel disheartened of this one falls through.


Well I was kind of forced out at the Y in a way. Long story, pm if you want all the juicy details.


It just sucks because I feel like I don't have much relevant work experience in anything.

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How can you quit a job without having another one? And then to quit a sure thing before even giving it a chance? It's hard to imagine that with unemployment as high as it is this year. I hope you don't have to wait long but I'm really stunned to see the choices you have made.


Well at the Y there was a situation. Basically something stupid happened, the didn't want to hear my side of it and were going to terminate me.


Quitting Kroger was a dumb idea but I don't think retail is for me. Retail is very rigid. The Y is the most laid back place ever and I didn't think I would adjust well working with a bunch of teens and middle-aged moms at Kroger. I have a successful friend who's a couple of years older than me say the same thing. (He just got re-hired at a job)


My response was, "Did you apply at Kroger when you were looking for work?"

He's an accountant.

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Superman, just apply everywhere, I think at this point with the state of the economy you can't really be awfully picky. You have an associates degree you say, nothing in that field of work for you right now?


I applied to about 4 jobs a day everyday for 7 months before I even got an interview, you just have to keep going.

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Superman, just apply everywhere, I think at this point with the state of the economy you can't really be awfully picky. You have an associates degree you say, nothing in that field of work for you right now?


I applied to about 4 jobs a day everyday for 7 months before I even got an interview, you just have to keep going.


Yeah I mean I'm trying. I'm just not qualified for much. Most places want experience. I've been pretty down about it.

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Ground and pound. Hit it hard and keep going until you get a job offer.


Use craigslist and use it alot. As crazy as it sounds you can find alot of jobs on there and get alot of interviews. You can easily send out 10-15 resumes a day on there.


Dont use careerbuilder or monster for anything but seeing if a company is hiring, then approach the company either through their website or better yet a location.


Find a good temp/job placement agency in your area.


And for all three of these things pester the ever loving s*** out of them (at least three times, the temp agency more) within reason. In the last 3 weeks I got two job offers and in the last 5 months I have gotten six job offers. For every 5 job interviews I went on I would get an offer.


It really does work if you pound the numbers enough, but the economy is so bad thats what you gotta do.

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