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Anyone on here experienced hypersomnia? Particularly idiopathic hypersomnia?


I'm just looking for tips or something I can do to help with it, if I'm not taking any medications for it (or taking any meds for anything at all)


I've read online and some of the recommended lifestyle changes are being more active (which I am), having regular and consistent hours of sleep (which I do) and reduce alcohol/caffeine intake (which I have).


Still, I have not seen any significant improvement. I'd like to stay away from antidepressants or any meds, but it looks like I don't have a choice anymore.

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I get hypersomnia when I go on a break from my stimulant...


One thing you can do is get exposure to blue-containing light in the morning, which will dramatically lower melatonin levels.


The other thing I do sometimes is set my alarm, and take a caffeine pill or an excedrin, and then go back to sleep until it wakes me up.

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