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What can I do for my guy??

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Hey everyone

Weird question.. but I was wondering if any of you have some really good/original ideas for things to do for my guy??


He has been really sweet the last few weeks, just doing a lot of things around the house without having to be asked, taking care of things that he knows I wanted done, etc..


so I wanted to do something really nice for him Any ideas??



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Something simple if you get stuck....take him breakfast in bed, or buy something different. I think the nicest thing that any girl has done for me was make me something. Even though she was my ex by the time I received it, I was flattered that somebody took the time to knit me a scarf from scratch.

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I'm rather fond of a B & B. Not the quaint little Victorian kind...(back rub and b*** job). A very pampering and relaxing experience.


Sorry if that's a little too crass. I didn't know where you were going with the question. The other posters have great ideas as well. And that's the magical part of a B & B. It can be the main event. It can be an accessory. It can involve food. It can involve lingerie. It can be done in the bedroom. It can be done in the kitchen. It can be done on the sofa. It can be included as part of a picnic. It is very versatile.

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