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Broke NC after 1 Month! DUN DUN DUNNN!


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Ok to make a long story very very short we broke up a month and a few days ago...like 35 days or something. We both went into NC immedietly...it wasnt a bad breakup, its just that I lost myself in the relatoinship and let myself go. I was clinging onto her (but i never realized it until after). Anywhoo she wanted her space and I gave it to her...we both still love eachother but love isnt all that holds a relationship into place.


Anyway today I txted her about getting my stuff back...and she was very cool and cheery while txting which I didnt expect. So sunday I will be going over her house to get my stuff...which will probably be a little weird I wont lie. But I'm ok...I'm not feeling like OMG I fell back into a deep depression...the truth is, I never really got depressed about the entire thing because I knew that I effed up. I deserved what I got...If she didnt do this, I would never have known what I was doing and would never have a chance to re-evaluate myself.


I would have LOVED to have her just send me my stuff back...but I left my Wii, Rock band 2, a ton of games...a bunch of small stuff, Yankees tickets that she "cant find" jk. I can re-print them I think from stubhub.


But yea...All is well. I broke NC and I dont feel bad about it.

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I think its easier for me because One part of me says if we ever get back together, awesome!! ...but another part of me says if we dont get back together, I learned a great deal about myself and KNOW I will meet someone again and be happy with them. The only reason I am willing to accept my ex back into my life again at some point (if she wants) is because she truly is the one that got away. I LET HER DOWN...its my job to have her regain trust and confidence in me. How that happens who knows...maybe over time she will just realize it, thats all I can hope for. No begging or pleading will get it back. She knows my intentions and thats all I can give her. I've dated and dated and dated and I've never felt this way about someone. BUT I have my confidence back 100% and know I will be okay regardless...because im an awesome guy. Rawr.

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SO true!


If only all dumpees would be as rational as you. It is indeed hard to lose someone..but coming off as whiney and weak would make me lose that much more interest in trying to get back with the person I broke up with. Just keep this attitude and everything will work out for you..if it means getting back together with her..or with someone else.

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I think HER seeing me is going to take her back to square one...Down 30 lbs, fit, mohawk...sexy as ever ha.!


But in all seriousness I am strong...ive been in this position before and I can hold out. I do miss her I wont lie...but I am 100% sure she misses me just as much. She HAD to break up with me...thats all there is to it. Whether or not she can hold out for a long time is another issue.


I wish her the best thing in the world...whether its with me or another guy. Shes an EFFIN catch.

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No, like 45 days...I started going on my diet at the end of our relationship lol...


I'm going to take a HUGE risk today...but whatever I dont care. She lives 1 Hour away from us...and a few of my friends are going to where she lives (new rochelle) to celebrate his bday because he goes to college near there....sometime tonight I'm going to ask her what shes doing and if she wants to come out with us (and bring friends) for a few drinks...very platonic so I dont think its a big deal. If not its cool...but I might as well lay it down because I know she likes to go out and have fun. Chinggaaa.

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