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GUYS: How do we know YOU are interested?

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Guys are very simple, smiles and eye contact are a good sign they are interested. A shy guy will likely not give eye contact though. A rule of thumb is that if a guy spontaneously chats or interacts with you, he is likely interested in you.


Don't be afraid to take the initiative. Guys do like it when a woman makes first contact.

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If a shy guy likes you, he will only approach you if he is confident that you like him. If he keeps staring at you then looks away when you catch him, stare at him and make it obvious. It is so much easier for guys to make a move on a girl when they are confident that they will not get turned down. If you catch him staring, smile so that he sees it and look right back at him.

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yeah i agree with all of the above but if youve just met a guy and are trying to figure out if he likes you, things are a little easier. when youre talking to him, watch where his eyes wander to, if he looks down at your mouth then its a pretty good sign he finds you attractive. if he raises his eyebrows slightly (tricky to spot) when youre talking then its also a big hint. those are the main things i guess, hope its helpful

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Hey I dunno it's really hard to say. I'm a guy and there's no definate way to know I'm totally interested in you unless I say so really. Like I'll smile, contact you etc but purely on a friend basis and I'll have no problems with that.


However the eye thing might have a point but that depends on wether you think there's a difference between being attracted and interested to someone.



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Yeah, if they suck in their stomach whenever you walk by... dead giveaway.


It's pretty simple, you may have an attraction if the guy pays attention to you in exclusion to other nearby interests (the game, other girls, TV, friends, PS2). They could do this through eye contact, talking, body language, actions, notes, emails, whatever... then you got the beginnings of something something.


Rare is the guy who talks to the ladies for no apparent reason,

they would tend to be reluctant about talking for talking's sake, though there are some exceptions.



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Another dead give away is if he would be with his friends when you came into view or close proximity. If he starts to act more extravagant and try to stand out by exaggerating his voice volume, motions, jokes, and muscles, that's a pretty good sign. I personally do this for a while to get the point accross before I really try to move in. Cause hey, if you look like top dog around other guys, why wouldn't you be around her?? If he tones it down a little and seems to play favorite to you, then you're golden.

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Another dead give away is if he would be with his friends when you came into view or close proximity. If he starts to act more extravagant and try to stand out by exaggerating his voice volume, motions, jokes, and muscles, that's a pretty good sign. I personally do this for a while to get the point accross before I really try to move in. Cause hey, if you look like top dog around other guys, why wouldn't you be around her?? If he tones it down a little and seems to play favorite to you, then you're golden.


there's also the thing where the guy will try to stand a little away from his clique and stuff. just so that he stands out more and is seen as more of an individual

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