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Want to move on for good.

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I don't want to think about him nor have any connection with him. He is gone forever and I must accept that. No hope. No nothing.


I am 19. There is a guy for me out there somewhere.


But the first step is to


1) Accept.


I will keep on updating on here.


I will go on to the next step after I accept it.

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Is that really the best advice? I feel i got that treatment from my X, i'm pretty much over it now and i wouldnt mind being friends. She wont give me the time of day. Bah! I mean i like to keep my options open instead of limiting my self. For the first while though its not usually the best idea to still be remain chums. I didnt have to delete/destroy everything all it takes is self restraint. Just busy your mind with somthing else for the time being.

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i know that it is hard after a break up especially if you really loved someone...

But i argee i think that you need to erase all traces of him, get rid of pictures, letters anything that reminds you of him... that will be hard

but you need to be content with who you are and you need to figure out what you want in life and be happy with who you are and where you are... while you are doin that you will be so busy focusing on yourself that you will not even have time to think about him


if he doesnt want to be with you, that is his loss you can do a lot better than him... i am 20 years old so i can relate to you...


when you stop looking for love and stop trying to make love work,

love will just come to you and you will be blinded from the start...


that is why they call it falling because you dont mean to it just happens...

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Brokenheart! Remember me? Anyways... Yes, you have to erase every trace about your ex out of your life. Trust me, it really helps. Who wants to be constantly reminded of a failed romance? Not me! I threw away all of his love letters, gifts, drawings, etc. into the trash bin. I wrote his name in the bathroom a long time ago, and I took a spongue and scrub that crap off! I deleted him off my phone, I deleted him off my life.


It's hard. But the past is the past and that's where it's going to stay- Behind you. Move forward!

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But the past is the past and that's where it's going to stay- Behind you. Move forward!


Man that sounds almost exactly what my x said to me everytime i tried to contact her. Whats wrong with looking back on the amazing times you spent together with a smile? Maybe its different for the one doing the dumping? I put a lot of time, effort and money into the gifts i made/got for her. I hope they didnt just end up as garbage can filler. Well i guess it doesnt really matter any more, but still....

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Man that sounds almost exactly what my x said to me everytime i tried to contact her. Whats wrong with looking back on the amazing times you spent together with a smile? Maybe its different for the one doing the dumping? [...]


Yep. Big difference if you're the one who was dumped. Looking back on the good times causes grief and pain over the loss of future hopes and dreams, certainly not a smile.


Maybe in time--but lots of time. You can't rush this, and you'll be viewed as clumsy and insensitive if you try. It's akin to walking up to someone who's house has just burned down and asking if they'd like a spin in your new sports car.


I can understand why you'd believe it's possible to enjoy a friendship with an ex if you've never been scalded by a breakup. Lucky you. I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone, and so I do hope you never need to learn firsthand what it feels like.


My best,


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I was the one that got dumped.


Then all the better not to knock yourself out trying to pursue a friendship with someone who doesn't want to go there.


Doesn't mean she'll never want to be friends, but when someone demo's that they're done, it's best to respect that. She knows how to reach you if she changes her mind.


I once believed that it's mature to be friends with exes because that's what my divorced parents did. I later came to recognize that unless there are kids to co-parent or mutual circles you're forced to travel in (as with school) there's really no point in playing friendzies with an ex. It's just messy and uncomfortable.

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