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some ideas/views? Updated 25/6/04

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hi, just a short note for this.

I met a girl thru a friend, about 2 yrs ago.

I spent a few days with her when we 1st met , as she lives a little while from me. After this travelling back she sent me many msgs saying how much of a good time she had.


Following this we would call each other and send txts alot, nearly every day infact, but after about a yr things went to nothing.


After a while getting to know her i told her i liked her, she told me i should of said! but that we should b friends.


we constantly invited eachother to parties, trips, visits.

Recently we started to txt eachother, she made the contact first , inviting me to see her, about a week before she said she couldnt go, but would meet up when we had holidays, so i waited till then, called her about it a couple of times then sent a txt, bearing in mind all this was her idea. I got a txt saying she couldnt make it due to work and assignments?


Where is this going, should i just freeze her out ?


Any help would be grateful

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Maybe she really does have work, you have to give her the benefit of the doubt sometimes.


If this is happening a lot though, i think you should tell her that she has to make time for you, you are her friend after all!


I dont reccoment 'freezing her out' because you would be losing a friend, i think it is important to have friends, even of you dont actually spend that much time with them. Just talk with her.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Sounds to me like you two were just being exposed to too much of each other and she just became bored with it. You've always gotta present a challenge and become unavailable from time to time. If you put yourself out there too much then you become predictable. Predictability equals boringness and that isn't good. Sometimes you need to know what your missing for it to become more valuable. You need to give ppl time to miss you so that when you're there its even better. Wait a few more days and give her a ring, not a text message. If need be confront her but I think that if she was the one that cancelled the plans she should have suggested another outing and not leave you hanging like that. Just a penny for your thoughts.

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